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What Does Tattoo Removal Feel Like

Heres The Bottom Line

Laser Tattoo Removal 9th Session – Let’s see what they look like now!

Laser tattoo removal is not pain-free. Most people experience minor levels of discomfort. But if you could handle the pain of getting a tattoo, you shouldnt have a problem with this process.

And while getting a tattoo can take hours, laser removal sessions only take a few minutes. The number of sessions ranges depending on your tattoos size, but each session is less painful than the last.

If you follow the proper aftercare plan, youll only experience pain during those brief moments when youre actually under the laser. Just make sure to avoid direct sunlight. Even the mildest sunburn makes it harder for the technician to see the ink particles and can prolong the process.

Dont let your fear of pain prevent you from removing that unwanted tattoo. The feeling of having to look at a tattoo you hate is far worse than spending a few minutes in our clinic, having it removed once and for all!

Looking for laser tattoo removal services in Colorado? We have locations in Fort Collins, Lakewood, Westminster, and Colorado Springs!

to see examples of our work!

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The Most And Least Painful Spots For Tattoo Removal

Beforelooking at specific body parts, lets review some of the factors that canaffect if a tattoo will be painful or not. Apart from your personal thresholdfor pain, these factors will impact how getting a tattoo feels:

  • Skinsensitivity
  • Amountof shading

These are just a few factors that are worth considering as you decide whether to get your new ink. Its also important to keep in mind that your reaction could change throughout the process depending on whats being done and where its placed.

Now that we have the basics covered, lets get into the specifics of tattoo placements and pain.

Discuss Side Effects And Aftercare Together

We encourage practices to discuss aftercare during the consultation, have aftercare posted clearly on the website, and give patients a take-home sheet of aftercare instructions. Much of the aftercare for a tattoo removal treatment are similar to that of aftercare after having a tattoo applied, so patients should be familiar with it.

7. How does laser tattoo removal work?

Honestly, this is one of the least common asked questions on this list. Most patients are concerned about the results not how the laser achieves them. That said, discussing the science behind laser tattoo removal should still be an important part of the patient consultation.

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The Truth Is It Does Hurt A Bit

How bad does it hurt? It really all depends on your tolerance to pain.

Luckily, the treatments are extremely quick. Most patients describe it as:

much less painful than I thought

The feeling of discomfort is essential. Its one of the most important elements that makes a treatment effective.

Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

If it doesnt hurt, it isnt working.

The laser beam needs to penetrate deep into your skin quick & fast to shatter the ink so your body can absorb and remove it.

Tattoo Removal Has Always Been Considered A Painful Treatment That Damages Skin

Laser Tattoo Removal Timeline / Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?

The first lasers developed in the 1960s were so painful that they required general anaesthetic. But thanks to modern innovations in laser technology, the process no longer needs to hurt. Lets discuss what tattoo removal feels like and how different treatment methods impact the skin.

What does tattoo removal feel like?The experience of pain varies hugely from person to person. What some may describe as stinging or tingling others may describe as burning or jabbing. While some will feel a stabbing, sharp sensation, others may experience it as a deep ache or cramping. This is due to the complex interactions taking place between your nerves and your brain.Therefore, much like the feeling of getting a tattoo varies by person, laser tattoo removal varies too. Generally, higher energy lasers like Q-switch and Pico feel different to more advanced techniques such as the LightSense laser system, which is exclusive to NAAMA. Heres how they commonly feel like without pain relief:

Low energy tattoo removal NAAMAs patented LightSense laser system uses very low energy and those who have undergone treatment, without any pain relief, have likened it having a blunt fork pressed into the skin until its a little unpleasant. Others say it feels like a more tender part of the skin is being scratched hard to the point of being uncomfortable.

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Don’t Miss: Laser Tattoo Removal Houston Tx

Ways To Make Tattoo Removal Hurt Less

There are a few ways that clinics are able to make a tattoo removal procedure less painful for you.

Numbing Cream – Though numbing cream doesnt completely eliminate the pain of a tattoo removal procedure, it will certainly minimize the intensity of it. We compiled a list of The 5 Best Tattoo Numbing Creams For A Painless Experience to prepare you for your session, but oftentimes clinics will use prescription numbing agents which will be far more effective against the pain.

Cold Air Machines – If youre nervous about pain, ask your clinic whether they use cold air machines during their procedures. High-quality clinics use this cooling technology as a way to numb your skin prior to your laser procedure. The cold air numbs the skin on contact and tends to last longer than numbing creams on their own.

Cold Compress – Ice packs and cold compresses are an easy way to ease the burning sensation of laser tattoo removal. It should never be applied directly to the skin ensure you wrap the ice pack or compress in a paper towel or a tea towel prior to using it on your wound.

Lidocaine Injections – This option is not offered by all clinics because its required that it is administered by a medical professional. Its a localized anesthetic option that can be quite efficient for larger tattoos. Its no more efficient than cold air machines, and is more invasive.

How Does Laser Removal Work

Laser energy is directed at the tattooed area for a matter of milliseconds, passing harmlessly through the epidermis and targeting the tattoo ink directly. The laser works as a chisel to disrupt and break down the ink, allowing your body to absorb the smaller fragments and break it down naturally. Its such a safe and effective tool that we offer a range of other laser dermatology services.

Read Also: Process Of Getting A Tattoo Removed

Eat And Hydrate Before Your Appointment

Coming on an empty stomach, or dehydrated, will probably result in light-headedness or vertigo. Remember, there will be some discomfort involved. It will feel something like having multiple rubber bands snapped against your skin for several minutes.

To avoid any risk of faintness or swooning, just make sure youve got some calories in your system when you come in for your appointment.

Minimise Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt For Yourself

What Happens When You Get A Tattoo Removed

If you are particularly anxious about the laser tattoo removal treatments, you can prepare yourself beforehand by:

  • learning and practising deep breathing techniques to minimise anxiety
  • caring for your body well before and during treatment getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol and
  • taking Tylenol before your session

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How Does Tattoo Removal Feel

Tattoos are as popular as ever, with 30% of Americans sporting at least one tattoo. But a lot of people get tattoos they later regret, whether its the name of your ex or a tattoo that just no longer makes sense.

At least you have the option of getting that tattoo removed. But whats the procedure for tattoo removal? How much is it going to hurt?

Whatever the reason for wanting to have your tattoo removed, laser tattoo removal is a safe and common method of getting the job done. Peach Skin & Laser uses a new laser technology for safe, precise tattoo removal.

All Patients Should Expect Some Level Of Side Effects

We encourage practitioners to not gloss over side effects during the initial consultation explain the various side effects in full detail. This way, when your patients commit to the tattoo removal process, they’re informed and aren’t shocked the next day when their skin is sensitive and they are potentially limited from their normal activities or clothing.

The most common side effects are:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Hypopigmentation

If all of the proper protocols are used based on the tattoo and the patient’s skin tone, all of these side effects are temporary. Redness, tenderness, and swelling typically subside within a day or two following treatment. Blisters usually appear within 24 hours of treatment sometimes the blisters are very large and may look alarming this is completely normal. Scabs, bruising, and blistering may take up to a week or longer to heal.

For patients with pigmentation issues, do not treat at the regular treatment intervals wait until the area has returned to its normal skin tone before treating again. The main risk for permanent pigmentation changes is if the practitioner continues to treat an affected area too aggressively. Even from the start, it is important to treat darker skin tones conservatively using wavelengths that have less absorption by melanin and reduced fluence levels.

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It Gets Easier Over Time

Most patients say that their first laser tattoo removal sessions are the most painful. The more you undergo, the higher your pain threshold increases.

In most cases, it takes at least four sessions for the tattoo ink to disappear completely. By the third or fourth session, youll feel far less pain than you did in the beginning.

Learn more about how laser removal works in our Tattoo Removal FAQs article!

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Stay Out Of The Sun Let Your Sunscreen Become Your Bff

Tattoo Removal: Before/After Before and After Photos

Laser tattoo removal takes place over many months, and its a bad time to work on your all-over tan. If you must enjoy that sweet Vitamin D, at least keep the area being treated covered with sunscreen! Clothing is even better. Tanned skin is prone to adverse reactions. Most laser removal specialists will not treat tanned skin as it increases the likelihood of permanent pigment changes

Youll want to keep the tattoo out of the sun for at least four weeks before your laser tattoo removal session.

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Can A Tattoo Be Removed In One Session

Im afraid that it would not be possible unless your tattoo has very little ink to begin with. Most tattoos usually require 3 to 12 sessions depending on the laser used and the person using it. Some factors that will affect how quickly your tattoo clears include:

  • Your bodys immune system
  • Body placement of your tattoo
  • Type of ink colors
  • Is it over an existing scar or a pre-existing tattoo?
  • Whether or not you smoke

Technology definitely plays an important role in the rate of complete removal. A tattoo removal laser has the ability to transmit powerful laser pulses, which breaks down the ink particles. However, not all laser machines in the market are able to deliver the same results largely due to the power of the lasers used as well as the experience of the operators.

  • I personally prefer to use the PicoWay laser as the quickest way to remove tattoos
  • The picosecond technology is able to deliver small bursts of laser energy that penetrates deep into the skin in picoseconds

You will typically only see changes after you have at least a few sessions done. My PicoWay does significantly reduce the required number of sessions. A experienced doctor will know how to determine what power to use to manage tattoo removal with the power used.


What happens after first session of tattoo removal?

It Will Take Monthsif Not A Year Or More

Tattoos don’t just disappear after a once-over with the laser. A complete tattoo removal takes a minimum of two and a half years on average, says Bethany Cirlin, tattoo removal specialist and owner of Clean Canvas More Art. Laser treatments should be scheduled three months apart from one another so you get the most out of each treatment. This allows your body to break down as much of the tattoo as it can while also giving your body the opportunity to heal completely before your next session.”

As of writing this, I’ve had six sessions, and I’d wager that I need about five more, despite the fact that my initial estimate was six to eight sessions. It takes a long time to complete because each time the tattoo is lasered, particles are broken down and digested by the body’s immune system. The regeneration period is up to eight weeks, and the next time you go, the laser breaks down new particles of pigment, and so on and so forth.

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When Is The Best Time To Get A Tattoo Removed

Most people do not want their tattoos removed until at least a few years after getting them, but in rare cases some want them removed right away, most likely because the tattoo did not turn out the way they expected. Although the wait can be painful, it is important that your tattoo completely heals before you start the laser tattoo removal sessions.

Most laser tattoo removal places will recommend waiting at least six weeks before starting treatments. There may be many unwanted side effects when a tattoo is removed too early. One side effect that is likely to occur is blistering of the skin.

This happens because if the tattoo is not fully healed, there are still ink particles sitting in the top layer of the skin, which causes blisters to form. You are also more likely to be left with scars if the tattoo is not completely healed before starting laser tattoo removal.

  • If the tattoo is not fully healed and the laser hits it, it is the same thing as repeatedly picking a healing scab, which always leaves scars
  • Tattoos that are not fully healed also take a longer time to remove

The tattoo will take longer to fade since the ink is fresh in the skin. For the best results, it is recommended to wait at least six weeks after getting a new tattoo to begin the laser tattoo removal process. If you are willing to wait longer than six weeks, that would give even better results because it will give the tattoo more time to heal..

How long does tattoo removal take?

Find A Good Tattoo Laser Removal Specialist

Laser Tattoo Removal (IT HURTS!?) | Cringey Convo IRL

If you’re considering tattoo removal, you’re probably wondering how to find a good tattoo laser removal specialist. After all, you want to ensure that your tattoo is removed safely and effectively. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to find a reputable tattoo laser removal specialist.

First, ask around. Talk to friends, family, and coworkers who have had tattoo removal treatments. They can give you recommendations for good tattoo laser removal near me.

Second, do some research online. Read online reviews of tattoo laser removal specialists near you. This will help you narrow down your options and find a tattoo laser removal specialist with a good reputation.

Once you’ve found a few tattoo laser removal specialists that you’re considering, make sure to schedule a consultation appointment. This will allow you to meet with the specialist, ask questions, and get more information about the tattoo removal process.

After meeting with a few different specialists, you’ll be able to choose the one that’s right for you.

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Yes Laser Tattoo Removal Hurts But Its Not Unbearable

Getting a tattoo isnt painless, so patients shouldnt expect the removal process to be painless. Yes, laser tattoo removal hurts. That being said, weve never had anyone come in for a tattoo removal session and not return to complete the process.

In fact, our patients who have had laser tattoo removal sessions elsewhere have told us that their treatments are much more comfortable with us. Thats because our laser, the Revlite SI laser delivers constant power, instead of varying levels of power, so there isnt a spike in speed that would make it more uncomfortable1.

Its kind of like hammering a nail in a board. Each time the hammer hits the nail head, theres a varying amount of power. The more power the hammer hits the nail with, the farther into the board the nail is driven. Similarly, if a laser delivers a pulse at a stronger power it delivers a stronger sting, but because the power we are delivering is constant, each pulse feels the same.

Pain Relief For Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal works by delivering quick pulses of light and heat, which is essentially what the treatment requires to effectively break down the tattoo particles. To some patients, the heat sensation on their skin can be a little uncomfortable. Luckily, there are a few ways to relieve discomfort brought by laser tattoo removal:

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The Darkening Effect Is Real

Some of the ink used in cosmetic tattoos, including colors containing white ink, may darken immediately after treatment because of titanium dioxide. Laser tattoo removal can cause a release of chemicals within the skin that oxidize upon release, potentially causing the area to appear darkened or even gray in color, says Dr. Green. Fortunately, this can usually be corrected with additional treatments.

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