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How To Care For A New Tattoo

What If Your Skin Hold Doesnt Hold Tattoo Ink

How To Treat A New Tattoo: Healing Process/Aftercare DAY 0 ( FRESH )

There are several reasons and causes as to why your skin doesnt hold to tattoo ink. A few of these reasons may include the lubricant used, tough skin, the depth of the imprint, or because your body is rejecting the ink.

It is also very uncommon for your skin to have an allergic reaction to the ink used for your tattoo. However, if you feel like you are having a negative reaction to the tattoo, contact your artist and get information about the ink and contact your doctor immediately.

What Is The Best Way To Care For A New Tattoo

  • Keep it wrapped at first. Often, when you get a tattoo, the artist will wrap it up in cling film to protect it for the first few days to keep out bacteria and prevent any rubbing. “Depending on the size and advice of the artist, you’ll need to keep your tattoo wrapped in cling film from one to three days,” says Ghinko.
  • Apply sunscreen vigilantly. Avoid direct sun exposure for the first month after you get your tattoo and be sure to apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to your tattoo every time you’ll be in the sun to prevent fading.
  • Strike a hydration balance. Be sure to listen to your tattoo artist and apply soothing products and creams that will reduce itching, scarring and tissue damage. Moisturizing your skin helps speed the healing process.
  • Apply occlusives lightly. “People tend to over-apply Aquaphor or healing creams, but youre actually supposed to apply a thin layer every time, so that your skin can also breathe,” says Ghinko.
  • Treat it with care. “Treat a new tattoo like fresh stitches,” Ghinko says. “Take it easy.”

During Those First Days

Days 2 to 3 continue washing the tattoo daily, following the steps for day 1. When the tattoo scabs over and stops oozing, dont cover it with plastic wrap. Usually at this point you dont need to moisturize the tattooed area instead, let the tattoo and skin dry naturally. Since a fresh tattoo is a fresh open wound, you dont want to be putting creams and lotions on it .

During these days, the ink is still fresh, so you may notice some excess ink draining away when washing the tattoo. You can wash the tattoo 2 to 3 times a day if it needs it. But try not to go overboard!

You will notice some scabs forming and the tattoo becoming duller in appearance. These are signs that your skin is healing. Once your scabs are full formed, toward the end of the week, you can start applying moisturizer and/or ointment, if directed to by the tattoo artist.

Day 7 the scabs will surely start to form by now, so you need to refrain from picking them. If you do pick the scabs, the skin will end up scarred, and we dont want that. It can actually warp the tattoo design!

You will still need to properly wash and clean the tattoo, at least once or twice a week. It is essential you moisturize the tattoo at this point too, but dont aggravate or over wash it. See our recommendations for tattoo moisturizer below its important that you use some to prevent the tattoo drying out.

Applying Ointment, Balm, or Moisturizer

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How Much To Use

A general rule of thumb, however, is to apply a moderate amount and rub it well into the skin.

When you water plants, you make sure to get the roots and down deep in the dirt saturated with water. The same concept applies here. You want to rub the ointment in very well.

Once youve rubbed as much in as your skin will take, take a clean paper towel and dab off any excess ointment. The skin should look and feel normal after this. If it is still shiny, you have too much on the surface and should continue to pat the area with a clean towel.

  • Not Enough
  • Way Too Much!

This step is essential. Excess ointment or other build-up will cause a scab, which will have negative effects on your finished tattoo. Making sure any ointment is rubbed well into the skin and any extra is removed is the secret recipe.

Helping Your Tattoo Heal

Tattoo Care Instructions  How to Take Care of a New Tattoo?
  • 1Wash and moisturize your tattoo daily until the scabs are gone. You should continue to wash your tattoo 2-3 times a day with antibacterial soap and lukewarm water until it’s fully healed. This can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the size and location of the tattoo.XResearch source
  • While moisturizing is important, be careful not to smother the tattoo in lotion or ointmentâa thin layer is all you need.
  • Continue using an unscented mild soap when washing.
  • 2Avoid scratching or picking at your tattoo. As it heals, your tattoo will start to scab over, which is normal. Let the scabs dry out and fall off by themselves, and don’t speed up the process by picking or scratching at the scabs. This can cause the scabs to fall off too soon, which can leave holes or light spots on the tattoo.XResearch source
  • Dry, scabbing or peeling skin can become very itchy, but scratching at your tattoo may also cause scabs to fall off.
  • Keep using moisturizing ointment to combat itchiness if it is a problem.
  • 3Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight. The harsh rays of the sun may cause your skin to blister and bleach some of the colors from your tattoo. For this reason, it is best to keep your tattoo covered and away from the sun for at least 3 to 4 weeks until the initial healing is complete.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Academy of DermatologyProfessional organization made of over 20,000 certified dermatologistsGo to source
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    During The First Couple Of Hours:

    Keep it covered! Because fresh tattoos are like open wounds. It would be best if you did everything possible to keep it from becoming infected. When your new tattoo is finished, the artist should have cleaned it, applied ointment, and wrapped it in plastic wrap. They have done so to keep it safe.

    Allow the ointment and plastic wrap to sit on your tattoo for approximately an hour. This will also help to protect it from bacteria in the air. After that, take off the plastic and jump in the shower. Its critical to avoid soaking your tattoo in water and avoid using hot water. Cool running water should be used to rinse it lightly and quickly. This will get rid of any excess ink, blood, or ointment. At this point, there is no need to use soap. Avoid vigorous rubbing as this may cause damage to the new tattoo. Try to be extremely gentle with the entire process.

    When you get out of the shower, use a clean towel to pat the new tattoo dry. This is not a towel taken from the hamper. Dry your tattoo differently than you would any other part of your body. Try to be as gentle as possible. Because your tattoo is a wound, germs and dirt can quickly enter and infect it. The most important goal is to keep your new tattoo from becoming infected. Then, using a gentle touch, apply some lotion. Use just enough to cover the tattoos surface without going overboard. You might notice that the skin around your tattoo is inflamed and red. Dont worry, and this will go away with time.

    Best Tattoo Aftercare Cream

    Viking Revolution Tattoo Balm this balm-like cream is one of the best all-round tattoo products. It can be applied before you get a tattoo, to ensure your skin is in the best condition, as well as during aftercare. They even recommend using it on old tattoos, to keep them from fading as much as possible.

    We love this tattoo aftercare cream because its made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, plus it is totally against testing on animals. Perfect for vegans.

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    Tip #: Take Cool Showers

    Taking cool showers can help to reduce the redness and itching that sometimes occurs when a new tattoo is healing.

    It also helps with blistering, peeling skin, and scabbing. The cool water will keep your pores open, so if you are experiencing any of these symptoms it will provide more relief than a hot shower.

    Saniderm Removal And Reapplication Of 2nd Bandage

    How to Take Care of Your New Tattoo
  • To remove Saniderm, find an edge of the bandage and pull it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. The shower is the ideal place to remove Saniderm. Running water will help loosen the adhesive and relax the skin, making the removal much more comfortable. Dry removal of Saniderm may cause discomfort and added trauma to the skin.
  • Discard the used bandage and wash the tattoo with a mild soap, preferably fragrance-free.
  • Allow the tattoo to air dry or pat dry with a clean towel.
  • If desired, apply a thin layer of aftercare product to your tattoo. If you have naturally oily skin or live in a high humidity climate, feel free to skip this step. Otherwise, use a thin layer of petroleum-free moisturizer to help the tattoo retain moisture and itch less. Sanibalm is the perfect remedy for dry skin! If you plan on applying another bandage, apply the product to the tattoo only and avoid getting it on the surrounding skin. Saniderm does not adhere well to wet/moist skin.
  • Apply a second bandage by following the application steps listed above.
  • Additional removal and reapplication information:

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    Remove The Bandage And Wash With Antibacterial Soap Only

    The original bandage your tattoo artist employs to wrap you up post-ink session can be removed within two to three hours after completion, or however long your tattoo artist recommends. Do not re-bandage. The plasma from the original tattoo may surface after the first couple of hours, and then its time to clean the art and allow it to breathe.

    To cleanse the tattoo, use antibacterial soap, such as Dr. Bronners Pure Castile Liquid Soap or any unscented antibacterial liquid. Avoid using any type of cloth to cleanse the tattoo because it will exfoliate the areawhich, remember, is a wound. Next, rinse with warm-to-mild temperature water and pat the area dry with a towel. Allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes before proceeding.

    What To Do If Your Tattoo Gets Infected

    If you think that your tattoo might be infected, then get yourself to a medical professional. Your original tattoo artist may be able to provide a recommendation, but they cant solve the infection themselves. Furthermore, please dont direct any anger at your tattoo artist! Unless there has been a string of customers with tattoo infections from a single parlor, its highly unlikely that the infection came from the tattoo shop itself. Its far more likely that you picked up the infection at home.

    Dont be afraid to visit a doctor, nurse, or anyone else with medical training. While you may think that your scabby, oozy, smell tattoo is the worst thing on Earth, we can guarantee that they have seen worse!

    In most cases, a course of antibiotics or a medical grade antibacterial cream will be prescribed to kick the infection. Unfortunately, this may damage or alter the tattoo design. Once the tattoo is fully healed, you can get a touch-up session to correct anything that went awry.

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    Gently Wash The Tattoo

    After a few hours, you can remove the covering.

    First wash your hands with water and soap. Then gently wash the tattoo with warm water and fragrance-free soap. Pat your skin dry with a soft cloth.

    Apply a small amount of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer to the tattoo. You can keep the covering off at this point to let your skin breathe.


    How quickly you heal depends on the size of your tattoo and how intricate it is. Bigger tattoos will stay red and swollen longer because they cause more trauma to your skin.

    The Previous One Or Two Weeks:

    How to take care of your tattoo! #tattoos #tattosforwomen #women # ...

    Your tattoo should be primarily healed in 7-10 days. The soreness and redness should have subsided. If there is still redness around your tattoo, it could be infected. It would be best if you went to your nearest tattoo parlor.

    It will feel like a sunburn and will peel like one as well. Allow it to peel off naturally rather than attempting to force it. Some scabbing is normal. Keep in mind not to scratch it. Your tattoo will begin to fade slightly. This is due to some of the ink from the tattoo washing out. Dont be alarmed this is entirely normal.

    More ointment should be applied to the tattoo. It is best to use the lotion first thing in the morning. Throughout the week, your tattoo will peel a little more.

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    Day 2 And Day 3 After Getting A Tattoo:

    On your second day, you will see the color of your tattoo becoming dull. Don’t worry about the gloss. This looks dull because your skin is gradually recovering. Once the skin is fully healed, you will see that the tattoo with its normal color. in all its glory. However, you may also see scabs forming around the area of the tattooed skin. Washing in the morning and evening speeds up your recovery process. Remember to gently pat dry your skin thoroughly after washing, as this is essential. ApplyTattoo Aftercare Cream three to four times a day. Do not apply excessive cream as the scab will become thick, and you will suffocate the wound. This is why it’s especially important to use a specific tattoo aftercare oil or cream to help ensure you don’t clog your pores and create an overly moist area primed for infection. Apply your tattoo aftercare cream in a small amount three to four times a day. Make sure that you don’t over-moisturize your tattoo, but if you do, here are instructions onhow to fix an over moisturized tattoo.

    Things To Avoid During The Tattoo Recovery Process

    • Avoid touching the tattooed skin area

    • Avoid wearing clothing that may cause excessive rubbing to the area during the recovery process

    • Avoid exposure to the sun, especially in the first month after getting a new tattoo

    • Avoid submerging the area of your tattooed skin in water for at least 2 weeks

    • Avoid touching the area of your skin, even if it is itchy, applying Tattoo aftercare ointment can help alleviate itchiness

    • Avoid removing the plastic for the first few hours

    A detailed description of your tattoo care is mentioned above. However, when it comes to the tattoo recovery process, the rate of a tattoo recovery can vary depending on the condition of the skin and the specific area of your body where you have inked yourself. Each skin has a different degree of sensitivity, which contributes to the recovery process of a fresh tattoo. It is important to note that the recovery process also varies from person to person, as a person’s skin condition and type can be very different from one another. So don’t compare your recovery process to one of your tattooed friends.

    As you can see in the illustration, there are various body parts on which you can get inked. It is important to understand the process of tattooing after care and tattooing the specific body part in which you get tattooed.

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    How Do I Care For My Tattoo Long

    Sun protection is the single most important aspect of tattoo aftercare. “Just as you take care of your face so that the skin remains youthful, you have to do the same with the skin that holds your tattoos,” Ghinko says. “For long-term care, you should always use sunscreen on the tattoos.” If your tattoo begins to fade or distort, remember you can always go back in for a touchup.

    Why Practice Good Aftercare

    Tattoo aftercare tips from a dermatologist| Dr Dray

    Proper aftercare is essential to creating a good looking tattoo that keeps its appearance sharp for years to come. Nobody wants to see their hard-earned money be spent on a less than desirable final product. No artist wants to see their hard work damaged due to neglect, either.

    Thats why it is important for both you, the client, as well as the artist to make sure you understand how to care for your new tattoo.

    Think about the process of a tattoo for a moment. Tiny needles are being inserted into the outer layers of the skin. It isnt very deep, but it is still inside of our bodies, which opens the door to infection. Even a small knick or cut we may encounter in everyday life can become infected if it isnt cleaned properly tattoo needles create thousands of these small wounds to insert the ink.

    Dont let me scare you, though! Millions of safe, successful tattoos are performed each year. The key is to make sure that you are being safe from start to finish. Start off by picking the right artist and shop, and keep it safe and clean all the way through to the end of the healing process.

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    How To Care For A Fresh Tattoo

    All products featured on GQ are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

    Tattoo aftercare is one of the most important parts of the whole process of getting inkedsecond maybe only to deciding what you want permanently on your body. New York Dermatologist Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali doesn’t mince words: Tattoos cause a form of trauma on the skin, so its super important to administer proper wound care immediately after, he says.

    Bhanusali, who advises the tattoo experts at Ephemeral Tattoo in Brooklyn, which specializes in one-year made to fade ink, says the first step is listening to your tattooer. Its not uncommon for different tattoo artists to recommend different post-care options for their work, he adds. This is because different methods are used by different artists, and they may also be able to recommend specific advice to the size and location of your tattoo. However, there are some general products that will help clean, heal, and condition the skin, while also preserving the tattoos brightness in the long term. Weve got the rundown below, plus a timeline for using them.

    However, here are two products youll likely want to have ready during the immediate tattoo aftercare phase.

    1. Gentle Cleanser

    Be sure to use a gentle cleanser every day as the wounds heal, which will help neutralize any bacteria prior to applying ointment and lotion.

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