Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe
Thanks to newer technology, treatment of tattoos with laser systems has become much more effective, with very little risk of scarring . Laser treatment is often safer than many methods used previously, such as excision or dermabrasion. Laser treatment works on the pigments. Excision cuts out the tattoos using a surgical knife . Dermabrasion uses tools to sand off the upper layers of skin.
Just remember, that this advice is general, and should not replace your doctors guidance. For details about your specific case, please arrange a meeting with a healthcare provider who is experienced in the use of tattoo lasers.
Informed Patients Are Happy Patients
We’ve seen that if a patient is informed, they’re more likely to continue with treatment until completion, handle side effects properly, and be satisfied with their tattoo removal experience.
When patients understand the basics of laser-skin interaction, they know that you are a knowledgeable practitioner with a powerful tool but not a magician. Expectations are realistic so patients are encouraged by the fading along the way and pleased with the end result.
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Laser Tattoo Removal Machines
Tattoo removal lasers operate in a very narrow frequency and are very, very fast. This speed and heat are crucial to cracking the ink particles efficiently and uniformly.
At EradiTatt, we use a PiQo4 laser, which uses four wavelengths to break up various colors and compositions of ink particles used in various tattoos. These additional wavelengths help to increase the colors of ink that can be removed successfully.
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Reasons For Choosing To Have Atattoo Removed
People want tattoos removed for a variety of reasons:
- They no longer feel the emotions that they felt when they acquired the tattoo or have moved on to a different phase in their lives.
- They regret the decision to get a tattoo, because they took it rashly or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Family members or loved ones object to the tattoos.
- The effects of ageing have caused the tattoos to deform, making them look ugly or unsightly.
- It is difficult to get the type of jobs they want with a tattoo visible outside work clothing.
- Medical complications such as allergies to the ink or other skin conditions may necessitate tattoo removal.
- Those who have distinct tattoos that mark them, as part of a group, society or gang may want them removed once they leave the group. Their need for removal stems from social, personal, professional or safety reasons.
It is not safe to try to remove a tattoo on your own. Your first step should be to consult a dermatologist about the best options for removing your specific tattoos. You can ask your family doctor for a referral to a suitable dermatologist.
Tattoos are meant to remain permanently etched on the skin without fading over time. When you get a tattoo, tiny droplets of tattoo ink or pigment are placed underneath the topmost layer of skin, using a continuous series of injections. Because the pigments are placed beneath a layer of skin, the removal process is more complicated and painful than the relative ease of getting a tattoo.
How Much Does Tattoo Removal Cost
- by Stew Post
While no one wants a bad tattoo, they are no longer the life sentences they once were. Using laser technology over the course of several sessionsand depending on a range of other factorstattoos can be effectively and permanently removed for prices ranging from $400 to $5,000 USD.
A good rule of thumb within the US tattoo industry is that it costs approximately 10 times as much to remove a tattoo as it does to get the ink in the first place.
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How Long Will It Take
One treatment is definitely not going to be enough.
It is impossible to determine in advance how many sessions you are on the hook for, so prepare yourself for multiple visits to the chair. A treatment usually runs for approximately 8-12 sessions, and even this can leave unsatisfactory results.
One aspect to factor into your tattoo removal is downtime. The risk of skin irritation is huge where lasers are involved which prohibits quick returns to the treatment table.
As a result, you can expect to wait anywhere between 4 -8 weeks in between appointments. Any kind of side effects and the time will increase further.
An average patient with no significant reactions to the treatment is looking at 10 treatments, 6 weeks apart. That amounts to around 60 weeks of treatment, or in other words, over a year.
Of course, everything depends on the kind of tattoo you have, but prepare to play the long game.
Most Advanced Laser Tattoo Removal Technology
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Lather Up On The Sunscreen Prior To Your Sessions
Once you know you’re unhappy with a tattoo on your body, immediately start using a zinc oxide sunscreen on it, says Cirlin. The most common reason people can’t get lasered is because their tattoo has had sun exposure. By using a zinc oxide anytime you’re outside, you’ll help protect your tattoo, which will allow you to get lasered regardless of the season.”
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How Soon Can You Tattoo Over Laser Removal
Once the tattoo removal process is completed, its best to wait at least 6 weeks before getting a new tattoo on the treated area. Many artists will suggest waiting 6 months before receiving the cover up. This allows the body time between removal sessions to ensure that the immune system has slowed down and the new tattoo will not be removed along with the old ink.
Many people cover their old work, why not give it the best possible outcome? Check out our cover up page and learn more about cover up tattoos by tattoo artists that we partner with.
You Can Enjoy A Safe Effective Process
When you choose this treatment, you can rest assured that you will benefit from the highest safety standards and the most effective means of removing ink. Our lasers are FDA approved and have helped many patients get rid of their unwanted tattoos without harmful methods. You will be amazed by the results they offer. In the past, many tattoo removal treatments yielded spotty results. Today, our advanced lasers can treat all colors faster and more completely than ever before.
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What Are My Options To Have A Tattoo Removed
It is not easy to get a tattoo removed. However, if you decide you no longer want your tattoo, you can opt for laser removal which is the best method available.
Some alternatives to laser removal include:
- Dermabrasion
These methods for tattoo removal are much less common and can also be quite painful.
Never Judge A Patient For Their Tattoos
We always suggest starting out the patient consultation with the question, “Which tattoo are you looking to treat today?” This question allows the patient to tell their story about their tattoo and discuss their intentions for coming to you.
Patients that want their tattoo artwork revised fit into two categories:
Selective removal patients are looking to erase a part out of a larger tattoo piece. This is a common request for patients with name tattoos. For example, they like the overall design of their tattoo but dislike that it features an ex-boyfriend’s name. Patients also request selective removal if their tattoo artist botched the artwork in an area or the tattoo extended further than they wished they just want certain parts of the tattoo “cleaned up.” When performing treatments for selective removal, you likely will need precision to only treat the areas of the tattoo that are desired to be removed usually firing the laser at lower repetition rates will help when treating these specific areas.
Generally, selective removal patients want complete removal of the specific areas they want erased, but sometimes they want it faded in preparation for a cover-up tattoo.
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Laser Treatments Need Time To Work With Your Body
Getting laser treatments is the safest and most complete way to get rid of your tattoo. With each session, the wavelengths blast some of the ink particles into fragments that are small enough for the macrophages to eliminate. Your body needs some time after every session to go through its clearing processes. By continuing your sessions, you will ultimately see your tattoo fade away.
Who Shouldnt Get Laser Tattoo Removal
If youre thinking about tattoo removal, you have to weigh the risks and benefits. Theres a chance it wont remove all the ink or that itll leave discoloration and scarring. This is especially important for people of color as well as for those with vitiligo or a history of keloids.
Other reasons tattoo removal might not be for you include:
If you have certain types of light sensitivity
If you take medications that increase your sensitivity to sunlight
If you have a seizure disorder triggered by light
If youve taken the medication isotretinoin in the last 6 months
If you have an infection or open wound in the area to be treated
If you have a systemic illness like lupus
If you have suspicious moles or skin growths in the treatment area
If youve had gold therapy
If youre pregnant or nursing
If you have one of these risk factors, talk to your healthcare provider about tattoo laser removal. They can help you evaluate your risks and options.
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What About Home Treatments
Tattoo removal creams and chemical peels are the most widely available and least expensive option. Theres a reason why: Theres no solid evidence that they work.
At best, they might slightly lighten a tattoo, according to anecdotal reports. At worst, they can result in a serious chemical burn .
Due to the high risk of skin irritation and allergic reaction, experts dont recommend using DIY tattoo removal creams to get rid of your tattoo.
How To Safely Get A Tattoo Removed
- Tattoos are meant to be permanent removal techniques won’t work for everyone
- The de-inking process has evolved to a method that uses expensive laser technology
- Heavy-duty makeup kits or over-the-counter tattoo-fading creams could do the trick
— Getting that tattoo seemed like a good idea at the time. But now that blast from the past on your back or tribal band around your arm may seem like a bit of body art you could live without.
If you’re ready to get a tattoo removed, you’re not alone: According to a 2006 survey in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 24 percent of 18- to 50-year-olds have tattoos, and 17 percent have considered tattoo removal.
There’s good news and bad news when it comes to getting a tattoo removed. The bad news is that tattoos are meant to be permanent, and even state-of-the-art removal techniques won’t work for everyone your chance of success varies with your skin color and the tattoo’s pigments and size.
The good news is that you don’t have to undergo your mother’s tattoo removal technique. The de-inking process has evolved in recent years, from a cringe-worthy, potentially skin-damaging process to a safer, more sophisticated method that uses laser technology.
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Will laser treatment work?
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What To Do If You Have Problems
If you have problems with healing, rashes or skin pigmentation changes, contact the clinic where you were treated.
Speak to the person who treated you if you have any complications that need medical attention. If this is not possible, speak to a GP or go to your local A& E department.
Page last reviewed: 18 September 2019 Next review due: 18 September 2022
What Tattoos Do People Most Often Want To Have Removed And Why Are Some Tattoos Easier To Erase Than Others
A typical appointment lasts for around 30 minutes but the laser treatment itself takes as little as five seconds and no longer than five minutes, even for very large tattoos.
As for the tattoos which people most often want removed, he says exs names rank highly but the most common request is for tribal tattoos, which were very popular in the 90s and noughties but have fallen out of fashion.
Some colours are easier to remove than others and Ben explains that at his clinic they use multiple wavelengths so they can treat as many different colours as possible, including blue and green ink which he says most lasers cannot remove.
For more about ClearLase Tattoo Removal, visit or follow on TikTok or Instagram.
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Pick Your Tattoo Placement
The placement of your tattoo is entirely up to you, though for a first time, you might want to stick with an area of the body that may be less painful to tattoo, like the forearm, and save the torso for when you’re more accustomed to the sensation and aware of your own pain tolerance. You might also want to avoid placement on your hands and feet since tattoos on these areas tend to fade faster and require more touch-ups.
How Many Locations Does Removery Have
40 locations
Also the question is, can you remove a tattoo completely? surgical distancealso called excision Tattoo Removal, involves cutting off the tattooed skin and stitching the remaining skin together. surgical distance is the most invasive method of Tattoo Removal. However, it is the only surefire way Remove tattoo completely.
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Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt
Yes, it probably will. Only two lasers are capable of tattoo removal, the Q-Switch Yag or the Picosecond laser. Both of these pieces of technology will inflict trauma at the location of your tattoo. Educate yourself on both types of lasers before you make your final decision about the treatment. These are somewhat invasive pieces of technology that may have side effects on your skin, so it is important to do all the research you can.
Your body will instinctively respond to any trauma by sending an army of White Blood Cells to the site of the invasion. White Blood Cells are the soldiers of your bodys immune system. White Blood Cells perform a biological process called phagocytosis, which basically means they are gobbling up smaller food pieces, in this case the ink particles.
You may experience swelling, redness, and bleeding that can be very painful even in between sessions.
How Long Will It Take To Remove My Tattoo
The permanency of your tattoo will mean that it can take up to 18 months to complete the treatment sessions for your tattoo removal. But this is only an estimate. Unfortunately, the number of sessions that will be required cannot be approximated during your initial consultation or when you begin your treatment. Most technicians will tell you that your removal will require six to ten treatments. It is possible for a successful removal to take six to ten sessions, but this number could realistically be much, much higher.
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What Tattoos Can Be Removed
Modern tattoo removal lasers are effective at removing most tattoos, but not all tattoos can be removed completely. Factors such as color, location, the density of the ink, and age can impact the overall success of the tattoo removal process.
Older tattoos are typically the best candidates for removal, as the ink particles weaken over time and are easier to break down. Black ink is typically easiest to remove, as it absorbs light more than other colors.
Skin type is also a factor when performing laser tattoo removal. Since darker skin types have more melanin, certain colors of ink are not able to be targeted. Black ink is safe to treat on all skin types however extra precaution should be taken with those with more pigment in their skin to avoid possible damage to the skin.
At EradiTatt, we consider all of these factors when developing your individual treatment plan. We have great success rates of complete removal on a variety of skin tones, ages, and tattoo locations. View our tattoo removal gallery to see the results other patients have experienced.
Tattoo Removal A Step By Step Process
The only reason why someone would want to get rid of a tattoo is that they regret putting it on themselves. 1 in 8 people regret getting a tattoo. There are a lot of reasons for doing so. Tattooing your ex on your arm would be a good example. Maybe you just want to forget about the memory associated with the tattoo. Maybe your views have changed about one of your tattoos and you want to remove it for that reason. Or maybe it just looks bad. There could be multiple reasons to get rid of a tattoo. Either way, there are ways to remove them these days that provide less scarring than traditional treatments.
If you have decided to get your tattoo removed you are probably wondering how it is done. Here is a rundown on what happens.
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