Friday, May 3, 2024

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What To Put On Your Tattoo After You Get It

Maintain A Consistent Healthy Weight


Not only is that healthier for your body, itll also preserve your tattoos shape and size.

This includes gaining or losing weight quickly and getting pregnant. It could stretch the tattoo, cause it to fade, or create stretch marks. If you do plan on changing your current weight, try and do so gradually.

When To Put Cream On A New Tattoo

When you are ready to remove the cling film completely , you will need to start applying cream to the area.

The cream works in a number of ways, ultimately helping your tattoo stay fresher for longer

  • It speeds up the healing process by keeping infections at bay.
  • It keeps the tattoo moisturised meaning itll stay healthier .
  • It will help soothe inflamed skin and prevent itchiness and irritation.
  • Top tip: When applying cream, dont smother it, we recommend a pea-sized amount of cream, just a light layer to cover the surface area.

    Can I Go Swimming With My New Tattoo

    During the healing process, its important that you do not submerge your tattoo in water for any length of time as this can increase the risk of infection due to bacteria in the water and ink dropping out from the tattoo.

    This means

    • No swimming in the sea

    Showering is absolutely fine and when you shower, this is a great opportunity to give the tattoo a good clean and remove any excess plasma or dry skin that is present in the area.

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    Tattoo Aftercare Products We Swear By

    We asked our team of tattoo-addicts and professional tattoo artists which products they recommend. Below weve listed the 6 that they love the most! But before we get into that, here are some ingredients to look for and some to avoid:

    Great ingredients:

    • Rough or exfoliating ingredients, e.g., coffee grinds
    • Excessively greasy or oily textures

    Controversial ingredients:

    • Petroleum it forms a seal over your tattoo, preventing moisture from escaping however, it can also clog your skin and keep it dry if the product isnt balanced with enough moisturizing elements.
    • Oils similarly to petroleum, these lock in moisture rather than providing it. A small amount of natural oil, e.g., hemp seed, sesame, jojoba, may be okay when combined with other moisturizing elements.
    • Multi-purpose products some people have tried hemorrhoid cream, nappy rash cream, and antiseptic cream on their healing tattoos. While some of them may work, others contain ingredients that will be harmful to your tattoo. We think its best to avoid any product that wasnt made with healing or inked skin in mind.

    If your tattoo artist doesnt recommend an aftercare product, its always best to use products that are specifically formulated to be applied on healing tattoos. This way, you can be sure that each product only contains safe ingredients and wont damage your fresh ink in any way.

    Can You Put Sunscreen On A New Tattoo

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    Although you might think that while the tattoo is recovering, you can just apply sunscreen over the region, this is ultimately a horrible idea. Even the mildest cream will irritate a recently applied tattoo that hasnt yet fully healed.

    The majority of sunscreens and lotions have elements that are too abrasive for the delicate region to handle during the recovery process. This might irritate the skin and result in other unpleasant side effects, including itching and a slower recovery period.

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    Therefore, it is advisable just to avoid the sun entirely while the tattoo is healing. It would be best if you were allowed to start applying sunscreen to the region and expose the tattoo to the sun after the scabbing and peeling of the tattoo have stopped. Zinc oxide sunscreen free of chemicals is what you should choose.

    EltaMD UV Sport Sunscreen Lotion is the preferred and most suggested sunscreen to use on tattoos. This broad-spectrum sunscreen possesses all the qualities necessary to protect any tattoo very effectively and keep it looking fresh and vibrant.

    It has an adequate SPF rating of 50 and can withstand water and sweat for up to 80 minutes. Most importantly, EltaMD doesnt contain any scents, oils, or preservatives and is incredibly tattoo-friendly.


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    What To Expect After Your Tattoo

    A tattoo causes trauma to your body. Depending on the placement, the size, and an individuals hygiene, and daily activities, healing is different for everyone. Because a tattoo is an open wound they are susceptible to infections, it is best to follow the aftercare instructions listed above to lower your risk of problems during the healing process.

    You should expect your new tattoo to be red, irritated, swollen, and possibly bruised. These are normal reactions to the tattoo area. Usually, you can anticipate 1 to 3 days for red or irritated skin to subside. If swelling or bruising occurs, this could last for up to a week, especially if tattooed in a sensitive area such as the feet.

    Scabbing is a result of the bodys healing process. For some, your tattoo may have some scabbing. If you experience any scabbing, it is imperative that you do not pick at it. Let the scab fall off naturally. You will also want to make sure that you keep the area clean as well as moisturized, but do not over moisturize, follow the instructions listed above.

    During the final stages of the healing process, typically 3 to 10 days you can expect the skin to start to flake and peel. It is imperative that you do not pick or scratch at the area, this could remove ink from the tattoo and damage it. A light slap, preferable over clothed skin, will give you relief when itching occurs.

    How Can You Keep Your Tattoos Safe While Tanning

    While sunbathing, there are a few techniques to keep your tattoo safe. Sunscreen lotion is the first and most obvious technique to protect the tattoo. The key is to use sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher. Experts strongly advise using the maximum SPF you can find.

    To shield the skin from UV damage, you should purchase high-quality sunscreen. A good sunscreen will prevent the tattoo from fading and keep it appearing bright and vibrant. If you want to keep your tattoos looking good, staying out of the sunlight during the highest point time is better.

    Applying sunscreen to the tattoos at a minimum of once per hour will ensure that you are covered if you spend the day at the beach. Additionally, lotions developed specifically for tattoos include elements that will help keep the ink from fading and keep the tattoos looking brand-new after tanning.

    Most individuals choose to use specially formulated tanning lotions designed to keep tattoos looking bright and vibrant, especially those who use tanning beds. You can purchase tanning creams online or perhaps even in the neighborhood pharmacy. The secret to tattoo preservation is using the appropriate materials.


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    How Often Should I Moisturize My Tattoo

    The Process of recovering your tattoo may vary depending on the size of your tattoo, your skin type, your diet, and many other factors. Your tattoo artist will be your best advisor for your individual experience. The process of recovering your tattoo may also vary depending on the size of your tattoo. Generally, it takes a month to recover the upper layer of the tattoo and the underneath layer may take an even longer time. It is suggested that Tattoo Ointments are used 2 to 3 times a day to moisturize your tattoo. Read more about How often to moisturize my tattoo.

    Vitamin E Oil Benefits For Tattoo

    How To Treat A New Tattoo: Healing Process/Aftercare DAY 0 ( FRESH )

    A fresh tattoo is simply a significant abrasion or open wound on your skin. The needles must pass through your epidermis to deposit ink into the deeper layers of your dermis. The ideal circumstances for a fresh tattoo’s healing include optimum hydration, which vitamin E oil can provide. There are several advantages of vitamin E oil for a fresh tattoo.

    1. Soothes Irritation and Dryness

    The lipids in your skinthe fat that holds moistureare preserved with vitamin E. When placed on a fresh tattoo, it forms a barrier that keeps moisture in and nourishes your tattoo even after it has healed. Vitamin E is supposed to soothe eczema-related discomfort, so applying it to a dry, itchy tattoo may be quite comforting.

    2. Antioxidant

    Vitamin E’s antioxidant advantages help prevent cell damage, and you can benefit while your tattoo starts to heal. This helps ensure that there are no problems with scarring once your tattoo has healed. Additionally, this will aid in fending off any free radicals that impede your wound’s healing process.

    3. Long-lasting Effects

    On applying just once, vitamin E oil may act all day long without needing to be constantly reapplied. Excessive saturation may result in pore-clogging problems, so keep in mind that a little goes a long way.

    4. Ease of Application

    5. Protects from UV Damage

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    How Often And How Much To Use

    Let me remind you here that basically you have an open wound, and while its a good-looking wound, its still a wound and you need to treat it as such. First, wash your hands before applying lotion!! Think of all of the things that you have touched and who and what has touched that object. Kids and animals are HOTBEDS for germs, disease and bacteria. Its very easy to transfer some serious bug from a handle, switch, etc. to your nice new tattoo.

    All that you are trying to do is to moisturize your skin and keep it clean. Take a small amount of Lubriderm or Aquaphor and gently rub it all of the way in. Your tattoo should have a slight sheen to it, meaning a very thin coat!! Do Not cake or gob it on!! Your tattoo and skin need to breath to heal properly and quickly. You should reapply 3-5 times daily depending on the size, location and condition of your skin. If it looks dried out, then put a small amount on. REMEMBER More is not better!

    One exception to the Rule: In certain areas, like joints, anywhere the skin is very thick or stretchy, it can be tough to heal. Your body is trying to form a scab and you are constantly bending that area and the tattoo/scab keeps cracking. At those points you are probably better off using more lotion and keeping it slightly more moisturized from the lotion or ointment.

    Touch It With Clean Hands Only

    Most tattoo artists have their own set of aftercare instructions. But one piece of advice they all have in common is to touch your tattoo with clean hands only. The most important step would be to clean your hands before you clean your tattoos, says Carter. you listen to the verbal directions first, then refer to the written directions after. Also, take into consideration that washing your hands shouldnt be a quick three-second rinse. With soap, rub your palms together for as long as it takes to recite the alphabet .

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    Vitamin E Oil For Tattoo Aftercare

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    As soon as the tattoo artist is done with his work, tattoos can appear amazing on the skin. However, recovery is a hard process. In other words, choosing a tattoo artist is crucial, but so is the aftercare for the tattoo. Vitamin E oil is one ingredient that can help in tattoo aftercare.

    We’ll detail the value of vitamin E oil in this blog on tattoo aftercare. The first thing you need to do is ensure you can preserve your tattoo’s color quality for a long time. The best tattoo care products include vitamin E oil. It benefits both – maintaining color consistency and ensuring skin health.

    Aftercare For Your Tattoo

    Pin on Tattoo

    So, how can you make sure that new tattoo is something you donât end up regretting? Follow these steps while your new tattoo heals.

  • Be sure your artist covers your new tattoo in a thin layer of petroleum jelly and a bandage.
  • Remove the bandage after 24 hours. Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and be sure to pat dry.
  • Apply a layer of antibacterial/Vaseline ointment twice a day, but donât put on another bandage.
  • Gently wash your tattoo area twice a day with soap and water and gently pat dry before reapplying the antibacterial/Vaseline ointment.
  • Keep applying a moisturizer or ointment after you clean it to keep it moist.
  • You should repeat this process for 2 to 4 weeks. Also try not to wear clothes that will stick to your tattoo, and avoid swimming and the sun for about 2 weeks. And take cool showers. Scalding hot water will not only hurt, but it can also fade the ink. Wear a physical blocker sunscreen with at least 7% zinc oxide sunscreen during the daylight hours and/or cover it up .

    If your tattoo scabs a bit or develops hard layers, donât worry. Itâs normal. But never pick, scratch, or peel it. You could get an infection or remove the color. If you think your tattoo is infected, or isnât healing properly, go see your doctor.

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    How To Take Care Of Your Tattoo: The Basics

    Your tattoo artist will kick-start your aftercare routine as soon as their work is complete. After all, this is their masterpiece, and they want to preserve its beauty. Theyll likely apply a thin layer of petroleum-based ointment over your ink and then cover it with plastic wrap or a bandage.

    While you might want to gaze at your new addition , resist the urge. A tattoo is basically an open wound, so keeping it covered prevents bacteria from getting into your skin.

    Plus, depending on where the tattoo is on your body, keeping it covered will prevent your clothes from rubbing against it and causing discomfort and irritation.

    The biggest mistake people make with new tattoos? Not using sunblock and exposing the tattoo to sunlight, says New York-based cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green.

    Follow these dos and donts for basic tattoo aftercare:

    Can You Use Vaseline On Tattoos

    Once your tattoo is fully healed , you can use petroleum-based ointments or Vaseline to help relieve dry skin. Just remember to ensure the skin is clean and completely dry before applying any of these types of gels, so you dont trap in moisture and possibly bacteria.

    That said, the American Academy of Dermatologists reports that water-based moisturizers are a better choice as theyre breathable and dont smother the skin, so they wont clog pores. In other words, there are better moisturizing options available to help your tattoo continue to look its best.

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    Whats The Best Way To Heal A New Tattoo

    It seems like everyone is an expert on healing tattoosjust ask, and they will tell you that they know the best, fastest, and the only way to do it.

    Iâm no expert, but I have a few tattoos and nearly all have healed well â but not all! Iâve gotten quite good at taking care of them over time, through trial and error Iâve learned that the secret is to:

    • Pay attention to how your skin feels and looks.
    • Use good products.

    Some will tell you to listen to your artist and do whatever they tell you, to the letter. This isnât necessarily the best advice. I know because Iâve tried it a few times with poor results. Why? Everyoneâs skin is different, every tattoo is different, and thereâs no one-size-fits-all aftercare sheet.

    Instead, you should listen to your skin and come up with a custom method thatâs best for you. When you find a product your skin likes, stick with it! Learning how your skin heals best, then improving your personal technique is the secret to fast, safe healing for tattoos both big and small.

    In this article, Iâll share what Iâve learned about tattoo aftercare and show you my preferred method. Use it as a jumping off point to customise a method for you.

    Letâs begin!

    How Long Does It Take for a Tattoo to Heal?

    Your tattoo should be healed after about 23 weeks in terms of appearance. After 45 weeks, your skin should look smooth, and there should be no itching. It can take up to 34 months for all the layers of skin to heal.

    How Often Should You Change The Cling Film

    How To Treat A New Tattoo: Healing Process/Aftercare DAY 1 & 2

    You should change the cling film, clean the tattoo and replace it with fresh cling film at least three times throughout the day and before going to bed.

    You can use any standard cling film found at your local supermarket. Its just important that its new and clean. For some tattoo areas, you may prefer to use micropore tape to help keep the cling film in place, and you can find this at any local pharmacy.

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    Can You Use Vaseline On Tattoos After Getting A New Tattoo

    Again, many tattoo artists will still cover a new tattoo with a thick ointment, wrap it up with plastic wrap, and send you home with the instructions to remove the covering and clean the tattoo after a couple of hours. This is key: within those few hours, youll want to gently remove the covering and very gently wash off any ointment along with any blood, plasma, or leaking ink with some lukewarm water and a fragrance-free, antibacterial soap.

    You can then use a light layer of a specially formulated balm or lotion to help prevent the new tattoo from drying out. If using a Saniderm bandage, make sure you follow the aftercare instructions to keep your tattoo protected and help it heal.

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