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How Long After Laser Tattoo Removal Will Tattoo Fade

Older Black And White Vs Color Tattoos

Laser Tattoo Removal – Before and After through all the stages

If your older tattoos are in black and white instead of color, youre also going to have an easier time removing them. This is because dark colors absorb light more readily, so the laser will be more effective on black, dark blue, dark brown, and gray colors. If those colors are already partially degraded from sun exposure and body rejection, theyre going to require even fewer sessions than full-color tattoos, even those that are older.

Moreover, if your tattoo is a single color, regardless of what that color is, itll probably be easier to remove than if you have many colors involved in the tattoo. The reason for this is that single colors require just one specific wavelength to target the ink rather than multiple wavelengths, which have to be administered over multiple sessions. For example, during one session, the reds will be targeted and in the next session, it will be the blues.

Importance Of Tattoo Removal Aftercare

Tattoo removal aftercare will help you achieve the best possible results . Proper aftercare plays a major role in ensuring the effectiveness of tattoo removal. After each tattoo removal session, follow the aftercare guidelines given to you by your specialist, such as the following:

  • Keeping the area clean and dry for three days.
  • Not engaging in rigorous exercise for the first 24 hours.
  • Applying hydrocortisone cream as directed by your specialist.
  • Avoiding sun exposure.
  • Not picking at any blisters or scabs.
  • Check in with your specialist about any questions that arise. In most cases, they will simply provide peace of mind that any symptoms you notice, like redness, are a completely normal part of the process.

    Is It Better To Wait Longer Between Tattoo Removal Sessions

    Remember how we mentioned above that patience is essential in this process? Waiting between sessions certainly wont hurt or negatively impact your removal process. In fact, we recommend waiting for a minimum of 6-8 weeks between treatments so that your skin has adequate time to heal and repair. Plus, this can give us a better look at how your body is responding to the laser. Truthfully, the longer you can give between sessions, the better off youll be in the long run.

    While your aftercare will remain the same after each session, we do notice that many folks say that the sensation of the laser treatments isnt as painful or annoying by the third session. This could be for a few reasons, particularly an individuals own pain tolerance, but also maybe because youre more familiar with what to expect and because there is much less ink by this round the laser may not feel as intense.

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    It Might Be Worth Getting A Cover Up Tattoo Instead Of A Full Tattoo Removal

    One tattoo removal method that isnt talked about as much is semi-removali.e. If you dont want to take your tattoos all the way off, you can simply lighten them enough to get some good cover-up work done. I have a friend who had a bird piece lightened enough to have a tattoo artist ink a lightbulb over the top. I thought it was smart because it meant her new tattoo didnt have to be heavy-handed.

    Advanced Picosecond Laser Tattoo Removal Technology

    How long will it take before I see my tattoo fade?

    At Think Again we offer you the worlds most advanced Second generation Pico-second technology. The award winning Quanta Discovery Pico Plus is GUARANTEED to offer faster results than any other laser system, on earth. Our high performing Italian made Quanta Systems Laser can directly target and remove all colours tattoos in one treatment session, with the dedicated Ruby laser able to directly target and remove blue and green ink. In conjunction with our Quanta Laser, we utilize the Zimmer Cryo 6 system, which produces a stream of chilled air at -40 degrees Celsius and is used before, during and after each laser treatment, providing you the latest in pain reduction technology.

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    How Long Will It Take To Remove My Tattoo

    The duration of the tattoo removal process is a concern for virtually all patients.

    Some patients may wish to remove a visible tattoo before an event such as their wedding or enlisting in the military. It’s important to establish upfront that tattoo removal is a process that relies on the body’s ability to eliminate ink from the skin.

    It’s not unusual for the body to take over a year to completely eliminate ink. Setting expectations clearly upfront allows patients to be satisfied throughout the experience rather than feeling as if they were misled.

    To allow the skin enough time to heal between treatments and the body’s immune system to flush away ink, we recommend a minimum of six weeks between laser sessions and eight weeks for darker complexions. Stacking the treatments too close together can cause damage and permanent side effects to the skin and doesn’t allow the body enough time to remove the ink that was shattered at the most recent session. For ideal results, we recommend waiting three months between treatments.

    Ultimately, as a tattoo removal practitioner, you cannot know precisely how many treatments a tattoo will need to be fully removed. However, you should assess the patient’s tattoo for how easily it should remove.

    How Does The Skin Look After Tattoo Removal

    You will most likely notice the area appears red and slightly swollen following each laser treatment. The sensation is often described as similar to the effects of sunburn. It may feel slightly uncomfortable, but these are positive signs that your body is healing and responding well to the treatment.

    Over the following weeks, your body will carry more and more ink particles away. You may not notice an immediate fading of the tattoo, as each session targets the top layers of ink. With each session, more layers of ink are broken down and removed.

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    How Can I Make My Tattoo Fade Faster

  • 1 Use common household items to lighten your tattooed skin naturally. Lemon and lime juice , glycolic acid, and hydrogen peroxide can all produce mild bleaching action when applied directly to the skin. Chances are, you have one or more of these items sitting around in your pantry or medicine cabinet right now.
  • Some holistic skincare experts also swear by the skin-lightening properties of undiluted essential oils, such as lavender oil.
  • Avoid mixing multiple lightening agents. Not only will this not make them more effective, it could cause an unsafe chemical reaction.
  • The actual effectiveness of topical skin lightening solutions is up for debate. If you decide to experiment with any of these substances, youll be doing so at your own risk. Theres a chance that they may not work permanently, or that they could result in scarring or similar damage.
  • 2 Try a tattoo remover cream if youd rather use a commercial product. There are a number of creams, lotions, and gels on the market that claim to be able to rapidly fade subdermal ink. If youre not interested in DIY solutions, consider giving one of these products a shot. Keep in mind, however, that theres no hard evidence that they make much of a difference.
  • Ask your tattoo artist if they have any recommendations for tattoo remover products that do what theyre advertised to do.
  • Tattoo removers often contain harsh chemicals, and could lead to irritation or even permanent scarring if applied regularly or incorrectly.
  • A Walkthrough Of The Stages Of Tattoo Removal Healing

    Laser Tattoo Removal – The Ugly Truth

    The removal session itself takes only a few minutes. Depending on the exact size of the tattoo, removal typically takes just one to five minutesthe amount of time it would take to cover the tattoo with a highlighter, explains Cooper Ferreira, a licensed RN and Removery technician.

    Though the treatment is lightning-fast, the tattoo removal recovery process takes a bit longer. You will undergo this recovery process after each removal session.

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    I Obtained My Tattoo Gotten Rid Of

    Whitewashes are a cost reliable and quick method to disguise the tattoo you currently have. This technique is best for those that don’t like their current style but would not mind another tattoo, or would prefer not to complete an expensive laser removal therapy How Long After Laser Will Tattoo Fade

    Cover-ups can be an easy way to camouflage tattoos. They are a excellent choice if you don’t like the style however would still want another tattoo in its location.

    One more approach is to get your initial tattoos as well as transform them right into something brand-new altogether! As an example, you might have an old discolored blossom tattoo on your lower back yet desire it remade as a vivid peacock in honor of its recent significance in popular culture many thanks to Beyoncé’s song ” Development.” Because there won’t be any scarring from removing the ink if they’re going overtop anyway, in these cases getting laser removal through surgery isn’t necessary.

    How Long After Laser Will Tattoo Fade

    What About Fake Tan

    Again, this is not recommended, as you could be coming back time and time again for multiple sessions when only half a dozen are actually required. Although we want to remove tattoos quickly and effectively, our main concern is your health and well-being. This is more difficult if your skin has absorbed products containing toxins.

    Some fake tans contain activators that can react with laser treatment and lead to skin pigmentation. Therefore, do not use fake tan products for at least 2 weeks before or after treatment.

    We are here to help, so please contact us if you have any questions!

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    Is One Session Enough

    The tattoos will not disappear at once. It can take months or years for the effects to be complete. Even then, you may notice that the tattoo fades as opposed to disappearing completely. You need about six to eight sessions of laser removal treatment, depending on the color, size, and age of your tattoo. You will have a waiting period of between six to eight weeks before another session for the best results.

    Tattoo Removal Oxidation: Why Does My Tattoo Look Darker

    Tattoo removal is a slow long process. This client started with us 33 ...

    So what is going on when a tattoo becomes darker after a laser tattoo removal treatment? As discussed above, laser tattoo removal involves breaking down the ink beneath the skin, and letting the immune system flush it out bit by bit.

    However, as we break down the ink, we also release the components that make up the ink. In some pigments and inks popularly used in tattoos, some of these components are actually metals.

    White ink gets its color from its high amounts of titanium dioxide, which is a white metal oxide that is known for its high reflectiveness . Other metals used for other pigments include chromium, iron oxide, and mercury.

    When the laser treatment breaks down the ink and releases these metal components, they oxidize, or undergo a reaction in which they chemically combine with oxygen. This turns the white pigmentation into a darker, gray shade, spreading a darker color over the tattoo.

    Does this mean that the laser tattoo removal treatments arent working? No in fact, it means that the treatments are working, because it proves that the ink is being effectively broken down.

    You might also notice that while the parts that were previously lighter have now become darker, other areas that were darker are becoming more faded. Just keep attending your laser tattoo removal treatments and your tattoo should be gone in no time.

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    You Can Alter A Tattoo More Easily

    If you just want to change a tattoo instead of removing it, laser treatments can help with that, too. By eliminating the areas that you want to get rid of, you can clear space for your tattoo artist to make updates. In one famous example of tattoo alteration, Angelina Jolie removed the name of her ex from her arm and replaced it with the coordinates of her kids birth locations.

    Discuss Side Effects And Aftercare Together

    We encourage practices to discuss aftercare during the consultation, have aftercare posted clearly on the website, and give patients a take-home sheet of aftercare instructions. Much of the aftercare for a tattoo removal treatment are similar to that of aftercare after having a tattoo applied, so patients should be familiar with it.

    7. How does laser tattoo removal work?

    Honestly, this is one of the least common asked questions on this list. Most patients are concerned about the results not how the laser achieves them. That said, discussing the science behind laser tattoo removal should still be an important part of the patient consultation.

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    How Long Is The Tattoo Removal Healing Process Before You Can Book Your Next Treatment Session

    Most patients require six to eight weeks between laser tattoo removal sessions.

    This is because the bodys immune system needs sufficient time to do its job.

    During your treatment session, the laser technology pulses light energy into your skin to cause the ink particles to explode. Your bodys immune system sends white blood cells to collect the excess ink particles and remove them for excretion.

    Tattoo ink particles are too large for the white blood cells to pick up, and thats why we use laser therapy to break them down into smaller and smaller particles. Every session breaks them down even more until the immune system has got rid of every last one.

    This process occurs every time you undergo treatment, so the body needs adequate time to recover each time.

    Having treatments too close together can encourage the body to adapt and make treatment less effective.

    There are many factors that come into play as to how long your laser tattoo removal process will take before complete removal.

    You can speed up the tattoo removal healing process by eating a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, keeping hydrated with lots of water, avoid sun exposure directly on the treatment site, and avoid smoking.

    How Much Is Laser Tattoo Removal

    Laser Tattoo Removal Before & After

    Laser tattoo removal costs anywhere from $200 to $500. At the end of the day, it depends on various factors such as the size of the tattoo, the ink colors, and the area thats being treated.

    The age of the tattoo matters as well. Generally speaking, the newer it is, the easier itll be to removeand thatll be reflected in the cost.

    And for those who are wondering, its typically not covered by insurance as its considered to be a cosmetic procedure. Depending on where you go, however, there may be payment plans or financing options available.

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    How Long After Being Tattooed Can Removal Commence

    Removal can commence as soon as the tattoo has completely healed. Although it may appear healed within a week or two the tattoo will still require further time to completely heal prior to removal commencing. A minimum period of six weeks is advised. Your initial consultation can take place at any time during the six weeks.

    Location And Size Of Tattoo

    The size of the tattoo makes sense as a factor that affects the rate of fading. You cannot compare how a tiny tattoo would disappear with how a full sleeve tattoo would fade. The latter would require more sessions and a lot more patience than the former.

    Tattoos closer to your heart fade faster than ones that are far away. This is because areas near your heart get stronger blood circulation meaning more immune system cell activity. Tattoos located further away receive less circulation hence a lower immune system activity.

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    The Color Of The Tattoo Ink

    Some colors fade faster than others. For instance, darker colors will fade faster than lighter ones. The colors green and orange pose a particular challenge, and even though they will fade eventually, they will take their sweet time.

    So do not panic if you see some colors take longer to fade away because its normal. It will all fade eventually but may require more sessions.

    What Does A Removed Tattoo Look Like

    Pin on Tattoo Removal In Progress

    The results of tattoo removal depend on the clients goals. Many clients seek to fade for a coverup, meaning the old tattoo must be lightened substantially. It will look like a greatly faded version of the unwanted tattoo. The degree of fading depends on the design of the clients new tattoo. Those who want a tattoo with more negative space within it will need more substantial fading than those who want a darker, traditional-style design.

    Others want the tattoo to disappear completely, and they dont want anything in its place. For these clients, a complete removal is typically possible. This erases all visible traces of the tattoo. You wouldnt even know it had ever been there!

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    Does Tattoo Removal Hurt

    Laser tattoo removal typically does involve some level of pain. That said, many say that it hurts less than they expected.

    It’s a common belief that tattoo removal is excruciating, yet most patients say that the sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Common descriptions include the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease basically it’s uncomfortable but bearable.

    Ways To Speed Up The Fading Process Of A Laser Tattoo Removal

    by Ben | Nov 2, 2020 | Laser Tattoo Removal

    Getting a tattoo is more common than ever in todays world, with an increasingly large number of people choosing to put artwork and writing on their skin as a form of self-expression. We love great tattoo artwork and respect the artists out there. Unfortunately, not everyone does great work and not all clients get something theyll love forever. Fortunately, laser tattoo removal clinics can help.

    Laser tattoo removal is a viable option for those who want to remove body art theyve come to regret. Laser tattoo removal can be a lengthy process, and multiple sessions are required to permanently remove a tattoo.

    If you want your tattoo gone, it can be frustrating waiting for it to disappear. You may be wondering: how long does laser tattoo removal take to heal? To speed up the fading process of laser tattoo removal, there are several things you can do.

    Weve compiled the top 5 ways on how to heal laser tattoo removal. These are best practices to ensure your unwanted tattoo will fade as fast as possible.

    Also, please note that nothing in this post should be construed as medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider before undergoing any treatments.

    • Avoid Sun Exposure

    Further, if your skin is too tanned, then the lasers effectiveness wont be as great. You may then need to return for more sessions. Make sure to cover your tattoo from the sun at all times.

    • Space Treatments Further ApartGet Enough Sleep

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