Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Can I Join The Marines If I Have Tattoos

How Should I Prepare For A Visit With A Marine Corps Officer Selection Officer

Tattoos Before Joining The Military – You’re Ruining Your Life..
FAQ Answer

Make an appointment. While walk-ins are taken, an appointment ensures that you have the Officer Selection Officer’s undivided attention. Before you go, write down any questions you have about becoming a Marine Officer. Don’t be afraid to ask them. Answering your questions is part of the Officer Selection Officer’s job. Bring pen and paper to take notes during your talk. Don’t forget to gather informational brochures and booklets when you visit.Fill out this form to receive local recruiter information.

Are Your Tattoos Stopping You From Joining The Marines Learn How You Can Get Them Removed

Thinking about joining the Marines but your tattoos are holding you back? If you have tattoos that go against the new tattoo policy, you may not be eligible to enlist. Learn more about the latest Marine Corps tattoo policy and how Astanza can help you find the laser tattoo removal treatments you need to get back on track with your journey to become a Marine.

On October 29, 2021, the Marine Corps updated its policy regulating tattoos, canceling the policy Marine Corps Bulletin 1020 created in June 2016. The decision to change this policy came after a months-long review of existing regulations, which were believed to have an adverse effect on retention and recruiting efforts. As a result, a panel of Marines from various backgrounds and ranks recommended changes to the policy reflected in the bulletin.

The Marine Corps is known for its strong legacy of men and women who are disciplined, physically fit, and ready to accomplish any mission. Hence, their updated tattoo policy reflects the balance between the need to maintain a disciplined appearance and the individual desires of each Marine.

New Usaf Tattoo Policy

  • Removes the 25% rule a rule that stated Airmen could not have tattoos that were larger than 25% of their body
  • Eliminates size restrictions on tattoos located on arms, chest, back, and legs
  • Clearly defines the tattoo locations that are not permitted
  • Allows for only one single-band ring tattoo, located on only one finger and one hand

Recommended Reading: Can You Have Tattoos In The Military

Are There Height And Weight Restrictions What If I Am Too Short Or Heavy To Join

Yes, there are height and weight restrictions to join the Army, but they vary by age and gender. Reference the table below to find your minimum height and weight requirements.

Height In Inches

233 236

For the most up-to-date information on these restrictions, talk to a recruiter or calculate your BMI requirements. If you do not meet the specific requirements, you can talk to a recruiter about next steps and possibly submit a height or weight waiver.

What Should Marines Who Have Tattoos Banned By Policy Changes Do

Six Army Tattoo Failures [UPDATED]

If you are already have a tattoo that is in violation of the new Marine Corps tattoo policy and youre an active duty or reserve Marine, you should contact you chain of command to request an Exception to Policy .

If youre planning to join the Marine Corps and have a tattoo that violates these policies, you may also request an ETP, though the Marine Corps points out that they are rarely approved.

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New In 202: Marine Corps Loosens Its Strict Tattoo Policy

Tattoo sleeves are back for Marines in 2022.

Sleeve tattoos were first banned in 2007 after the 2006 Sergeants Major Symposium found Marines of the times to have excessive tattoos.

In 2016 the tattoo policy was relaxed slightly, but sleeves were still banned and tattoos visible in physical training uniforms blocked Marines from serving on special duty assignments that come with extra pay and improved promotion ability.

Though the 2016 policy allowed an unlimited number of tattoos for enlisted Marines, as long as they were not sleeves, officers and officer candidates were limited to just four visible tattoos in their PT uniform.

The new policy does away with any rank distinction brining all Marines under the same policy.

In terms of size of placement Marines are only prohibited from tattoos on their face, head, neck and hands, with the exception of one ring-like tattoo.

Removing the ban on knee or elbow tattoos heralds the return of sleeves for Marines.

Chest and back tattoos must remain below the collarbone and seventh cervical vertebrae and must be fully covered by a a properly fitting crewneck T-shirt with no portion of the tattoo showing, according to the new policy.

Despite the change, Marines looking to join the Marine security guard program may want to think before getting tatted.

Though the Marine Corps did away with most limitations on the placement and size of tattoos, the new policy comes with increased scrutiny on the content of the tattoo.

What Health Benefits Does The Marine Corps Offer

FAQ Answer

The Marine Corps offers many benefits for Marines and their families. While serving in the Marine Corps, every Marine and his or her immediate family will receive a number of health benefits including free comprehensive medical insurance and competitively priced dental insurance. You can learn more about the benefits of becoming a Marine by talking to a Marine Recruiter.

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Military Tattoo Regulations On Offensive Content

What remains in effect across all five military branches are restrictions on tattoo content. Tattoos deemed offensive based on drugs, gangs, sex, or violence, will not be acceptable in any branch. The same is true for any tattoo that discriminates against race, sex, or religion. If your tattoo is something thats going to make people angry, you need to have it removed before you can serve. Whats considered offensive may differ depending on who you ask. From the militarys perspective, if a reasonable person would be upset by your tattoo, it will not be allowed. You can have the offensive tattoo removed or covered up, but you cant enlist until you do one of those things.

Other Types Of Tattoos Prohibited By The Marines

Can Marines Get Tattoos| USMC

Tattoos or brands that may be considered prejudicial to good order, discipline and morale, or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the Marine Corps are not allowed. These may include but are not limited to, any tattoo that is sexist, racist, vulgar, anti-American, anti-social, gang-related, or related to an extremist group.

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What Kinds Of Tattoos Are Outright Banned

Per Marine Corps bulletin 1020 dates 29 October 2021:

Tattoos that are prejudicial to good order and discipline, or that are of a nature to bring discredit upon the naval service, are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, tattoos that are drug-related, gang-related, extremist, obscene or indecent, sexist, or racist.

You can read longer descriptions about type of banned content in MCBUL 1020.

Joining The Military Or Aspiring To Be Promoted Your Tattoos Could Have An Impact

Each US military branch has its own appearance policies and tattoo policy that dictates the type, size, and location of allowable tattoos. However, all military tattoo policies are consistent regarding the content of allowed tattoos. Tattoos in the military cannot feature vulgarity, nudity, graphic violence, or any sentiments that could be considered racist, elitist, or anti-government. If the content of a military tattoo is in question, the decision is made by the soldiers commanding officer.

Don’t Miss: Bill Claydon’s Tattoo World

Can I Join The Army If I Am Older Than The Maximum Age For Enlistment

The maximum age to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier is 35, and you must enter active duty prior to your 36th birthday. For Officers, you must accept your commission by age 32. However, restrictions can be lifted based on the need for certain roles. Recruits can receive an age waiver, so long as they can retire with 20 years of military service by age 55. Talk to a recruiter to get a better understanding of the demand for certain roles.

What Tattoos Are Not Allowed In The Army

My son &  I now have matching tattoos. Never wanted one or ...

As far as placement or location goes, we recommend the t-shirt test.

Throw on a t-shirt and stand in front of the mirror. Now, you cannot have any tattoos showing above the t-shirt collar line or anywhere on the neck, ear, face, scalp, etc.

This restriction also includes any inner-mouth or eyelid tattoos .

You cannot have any tattoos on your hands either .

The hand is defined as any location below the wrist bone. With this in mind, its best not to have any ink on your wrists at all.

As far as content of the tattoos, the Army prohibits anything that is:

  • Racist
  • Extremist
  • Indecent

These types of tattoos cannot be located anywhere on your body. And believe us, theyll check.

Of course, the terms above can be interpreted in different ways, so its ultimately up to your Recruiting Commander to make the call.

Also, if you have tattoos and eventually want to become an Officer or Warrant Officer, dont worry, theres still hope of moving up in rank.

You see, Commanders make recommendations for soldiers based on many considerations so you likely wont be rejected on account of your tattoos alone.

Finally, if you have a tattoo that you think will disqualify you from the Army, its worth a shot to check with the recruiters anyway.

You might get a waiver for, say, a tiny tattoo on your hand or something small behind your ear.

So dont count yourself out!

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Us Army Tattoo Policy: What’s Not Allowed

The Army’s policy prohibits tattoos or brands that might be considered offensive, regardless of where they appear on the body. Specifically, the regulations forbid:

  • Extremist tattoos. According to the regulations, these are tattoos or brands “affiliated with, depicting, or symbolizing extremist philosophies, organizations, or activities.” This would include tattoos that: feature philosophies, groups or activities that promote racial or gender intolerance encourage discrimination based on numerous factors, including race, gender and religion advocate violence or “other unlawful means of depriving individual rights under the U.S. Constitution, and Federal or State law.”
  • Indecent tattoos. These include tattoos or brands that are “grossly offensive to modesty, decency, propriety, or professionalism.” The Army’s regulations do not provide examples of tattoos that would fall under these descriptions.
  • Sexist tattoos. These include tattoos and brands that “advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on gender,” according to the regulations.
  • Racist tattoos. Tattoos or brands that “advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on race, ethnicity, or national origin” are not allowed.

Military Tattoo Regulations On Body Placement

Military tattoo regulations on tattoo body location are different for each branch of the military. The Navy has the most relaxed military tattoo regulations, while the Coast Guard is the most restrictive. When choosing where to serve, it is critical to understand the current military tattoo regulations for that branch. Tattoo regulations are continually evolving. If youre unsure about any tattoos you have, its best to talk to a recruiter for the branch of the military you want to join. Then youll know which tattoos you can keep an which tattoos you will need to remove.

Navy Tattoo Policy

The Navy just overhauled their regulation 2201 for tattoos in March of 2016. Sailors are now allowed to have multiple visible large tattoos on the arms and legs, they just cant be visible through your dress whites. Tattoos are now allowed on the hands. You can have one tattoo visible on the neck no larger than one inch in any direction. Tattoos on the head, face and scalp are prohibited. Navy Tattoo Regulations can be found here.

Army Tattoo Policy

Army tattoo regulations 670-1 for tattoos was last updated in April of 2015. If you have tattoos on your hands, wrist face, neck or head, youll need to have those tattoos removed to join the Army. Additionally, the Army will not accept you if you have tattoos inside your mouth, ears, or eyelids. Army Tattoo Regulations can be found here.

Air Force Tattoo Policy

Coast Guard Policy

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The Marines Ease Tattoo Rules The Strictest In The Military

Lance Cpl. Tom Blachard showing his tattoo “sleeves” that cover one of his arms. The Marines have just eased up on their tattoo rules.

The Marines, noted for having the strictest tattoo rules in the military, just eased up a bit in a nod to the ubiquity of the form of body art.

During the weekend, a recruiter who handles Marines who want to join the reserves announced on social media that those with tattoos that would have disqualified them under former regulations now may seek waivers under a less cumbersome system.

Titled Tattoo Leniency Alert! the post by Prior Service Recruiter Staff Sgt. Justin Eckersley said: Theres no telling how long this is good for but at his moment we can bring back out of regs Marines to the reserves.

Many Marines have complained that strict tattoo rules have resulted in the rejection of strong candidates and of Marines seeking to re-enlist. The rules including bans on full-sleeve tattoos and limits on the size that are on arms and legs.

In an interview with, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller indicated he was not inclined to bucking tradition for the sake of being trendy.

So do we lose certain applicants? Yes. Were not a biker gang, were not a rock and roll band. Were not Adam Levine.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, speaking about the Marines’ strict tattoo rules

Tattoos on the head, neck, hands and wrists also are banned.

Us Army Tattoo Ideas And Meanings

Trying to join military with tattoos USAF

Unlike the more cryptic and subdued tattoos popularized by Navy Sailors, Army Soldiers traditionally get tattoos that are bold, bloody, and rich with images of wartime battle.

For instance, you might see a soldier with a tattoo depicting a bomb dropping, or two soldiers fighting for their lives in a foxhole.

Tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets are the norm as are machine guns spitting bullets down a leg or an arm.

Here are a few of the more popularized Army tattoo designs

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What Benefits Such As Health Insurance Vacation Time And Education Reimbursement Do Enlisted Marines Receive

FAQ Answer

The Marine Corps provides a full benefits package, including salary, medical, housing, vacation, and other standard benefits. In addition, every Marine acquires invaluable leadership skills and also receives the honor of being called a United States Marine. A Marine Recruiter can explain the benefits of the Marine Corps in further detail.

What Does Commissioning Mean

FAQ Answer

Commissioning is the process of earning an official appointment as a Marine Corps Officer. There are several ways to seek a commission, including Platoon Leaders Class, Officer Candidate Course, NROTC, the Naval Academy, The Citadel ,and enlisted-to-officer programs. Please see Process to Commission as a Marine Officer for more information.

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Can I Join With Asthma What About Poor Vision Or Hearing

In some cases, yes. Asthma is only disqualifying if it occurred after an applicants 13th birthday. Hearing, vision, and asthma qualifications are typically determined by medical exams and are not service-specific. If a doctor denies an applicant, that applicant can still request an asthma, vision or hearing loss waiver.

Policy Loosens Restrictions But Tightens Its Language

Inked brigade: UK Army lifts ban on hand &  neck tattoos ...

The 2016 policy used the same language. However, the way the policy defines extremism has changed. The previous tattoo policy defined extremist philosophies as those which advocate racial, gender, or ethnic hatred or intolerance advocate, create, or engage in illegal discrimination based on race, color, gender, ethnicity, religion, or national origin or advocate violence or other unlawful means of depriving individual rights under the U.S. Constitution and federal or state law. The updated definition also includes discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

The new policy also bans tattoos that, advocate, engage in, or support terrorism advocate, engage in, or support the forceful, violent, unconstitutional, or otherwise unlawful overthrow of the government of the United States, any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States or advocates, engages in, or encourages military personnel or DoD or US Coast Guard civilian employees to violate laws or disobey lawful orders or regulation for the purpose of disrupting military activities.

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What Are The Educational Opportunities And Benefits In The Marine Corps

FAQ Answer

As a Marine, up to 100% of your education expenses may be paid for by the federal government through programs like Tuition Assistance, the GI Bill, and the Marine Corps College Fund. Dependent upon force readiness needs and deployment status, Marines may attend school through the two- or four-year College Degree Program, which covers tuition, fees, and textbooks at selected colleges and universities, and Marine Officers may be eligible for financial assistance with advanced degrees.

Can I Join The Army With A Tattoo

One of the most common questions we get is Can I Join the Army if I have a Tattoo. This article answers that question and outlines what types of tattoos may keep you from joining the U.S. Army.

You will NEVER be allowed to enlist in the Regular Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard if you have any of the non-waivable disqualifying tattoos below. Depending on abundance of recruits, standards may be more strict than listed:

  • Tattoos located on the head, face, neck, wrists, hands, or fingers
  • Tattoos which are extreme, sexist, indecent, or racist
  • Having more than four tattoos located below the knee or between the elbow and wrist

As part of efforts to maintain the professional appearance of the force, the Army dialed back the number, size and placement of tattoos in the March regulation.

Previously authorized tattoos were grandfathered in, but Soldiers hoping to become an officer had to get an exception to the policy.

The updated regulation takes into account that previously authorized tattoos should not prevent a Soldier from becoming an officer, but that candidates are to be evaluated based on the whole Soldier concept, or all characteristics of a Soldier.

Here is the latest policy on tattoos from Army Regulation 670-1 :

33. Tattoo, Branding, and Body Mutilation PolicyNote: This paragraph is punitive with regard to Soldiers. Violation by Soldiers may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the provisions of the UCMJ.

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