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Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

Answer: Scarring Should Not Impact Your Ability

Does laser tattoo removal leave a Scar

Hello! Thanks for your question. Scarring should not impact your ability to receive laser tattoo removal, as long as your wound has fully healed — at 19 months of healing, you should be just fine. The lasers used in laser tattoo removal specifically eliminate the pigments in your tattoo ink and do not cause significant damage to the surrounding skin. I would recommend seeking a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who offers laser tattoo removal with a picotechnology laser like the Enlighten laser. Pico lasers use faster pulses of energy for more targeted and more effective treatments. An experienced provider with this newer laser technology will give you your best results. Best of luck!

Answer: Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave A Scar

Hello, thank you for your question. The way a laser rids the skin of unwanted ink is, it shatters the ink into tiny particles and the body absorbs those particles. The latest technology in laser tattoo removal is the pico-second technology. The PicoWay Laser uses photoacoustic impact/pressure waves rather than photothermal/heat. This process has less heat, therefore it is more comfortable and the chances of hyperpigmentation are less. The Pico-second pulse shatters the ink into even smaller particles, allowing the body to more easily absorb the ink. This type of device can usually remove unwanted ink in about half as many treatments as the traditional Q-switch device. This type of device has far less heat, and it is usually heat that causes the scarring. Pico technology is a very safe and effective device.Good Luck!

And To Prevent Laser Tattoo Removal Scarring After Your Visit

  • Apply ointment three times a day. This will increase the speed of healing and reduce scarring.
  • Take it easy for the next few days.
  • Wash twice a day with mild soap and water. Antibacterial soap can cause irritation and inflammation.
  • Always pat the treated area with a paper towel to dry, and dont rub. Rubbing can cause the scabs to come off too early, resulting in a longer healing process.
  • Change bandage and dressing after every wash.
  • Dont pick at scabs this causes scarring.
  • Dont pop any blisters this also causes scarring.
  • Stay out of the sun. You should stay out of the sun for several weeks after your last laser tattoo removal session. Sun exposure causes blistering and increases the time it takes to heal.
  • After several weeks, use sunblock when youre out in the sun.
  • Wait at least six weeks between laser tattoo removal sessions. Why? Because your body continues to break down the ink in the tattoo long after the laser zaps it. The longer you wait, the better results youll have.
  • Once again, quit smoking!
  • If you have a scar you tattooed over, or if the skin actually developed scar tissue from the original tattooing procedure, laser tattoo removal will not remove that scar tissue. Indeed, the scar may even become more visible.

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    Answer: Tattoo Removal On Scar Tissue

    A tattoo that has healed scar tissue over it will still react to laser treatments. We use the Cutera enlighten laser system which operates in both pico and nano second pulses to target different size ink particles as well as the 1064 and 532 wavelengths for different colors and shades of inks. Keep in mind, the 532 wavelength can only be used on certain skin types. It would be a great idea to schedule an appointment with a provider in your area with the proper equipment to achieve the results you are looking for.

    Everything Youve Ever Wanted To Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

    Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

    If youre ever thinking of getting a tattoo, my one piece of advice would be: take a good friend with you. Do not, like me, go alone and think, I dont really like this tattoo, when the stencil is on, but decide to have it done anyway because, hell, youre already there. If you have a friend by your side, you can freely vocalise your thoughts to which a responsible pal will say, Girl, dont do it, its not worth it. Unfortunately I did not have this wisdom years ago when I brazenly booked an appointed to get a, *gulp*, Pink Floyd tattoo on my upper arm. And before all the Dazed Beauty x Pink Floyd stans come at me, Im still a dad rock fan, I just dont want to show it off all summer.

    In April 2020, after 10 treatments at the first clinic, I had my first session at Pulse Light Clinic in Eastcheap, which uses PicoWay, PicoSure, and Q-Switched lasers. Now, as I near the end of my treatment, Im rounding up everything Ive learned on my journey AKA everything you need to know before getting laser tattoo removal.

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    Wear Loose Fitting Clothes

    In the week following each session, loose fitting clothes are recommend on areas around your tattoo site.

    You want to avoid something like a belt scraping up against your skin.

    Blisters or scabs can easily be ripped off by this way.

    Drinking lots of water is highly recommended throughout your entire treatment plan.


    Aside from the huge benefit of ink removal, keeping hydrated helps your skin heal faster.

    Having dry skin is not ideal before or after any laser treatment.

    How Long After Laser Tattoo Removal Will The Tattoo Fade

    Unfortunately, laser tattoo removal will not produce optimal results overnight. Multiple treatments are necessary to break down the ink in the skin layer by layer. Then, your immune system carries the broken down ink particles and filters them out of the body through the liver. With each laser session, the tattoo should progressively become lighter each week as the white blood cells continue to carry away the ink from the tattoo. Results may be seen around the third session, although it varies in each individual. Because laser tattoo removal also depends on your immune system, the overall health of your immune system can play a major role in how fast the body can eliminate the ink particles broken down by the laser light.

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    How Effective Is Laser Tattoo Removal

    Modern lasers for tattoo removal are considered one of the most effective treatments to remove unwanted tattoos with relatively painless and quick recovery time. A benefit of laser tattoo removal is that it will not affect the surrounding skin, and will only target specific tattoo ink pigments. Todays laser technology allows for complete removal of the tattoo, regardless of tattoo color and skin type, with relatively short downtime and minimal discomfort. The results of laser tattoo removal and how many sessions are needed depend on a variety of factors including the age, color, depth of the tattoo, and the amount of ink, as well as the general skin condition and type.

    How Do You Prevent Scars From Laser Tattoo Removal

    Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scarring?

    The good news in addition to finally being able to remove that teenage mistake from your arm is that there is a lot you can do to reduce the chance of scarring from laser tattoo removal.

    First, choose the right provider. The best way to achieve successful laser tattoo removal is to get it from someone who specializes in laser tattoo removal. That sounds obvious, but it will require you to find out about a practitioners credentials. Just because a practice offers laser tattoo removal, its still important to ask who will provide your treatments.

    Next, make sure the removal specialist uses the latest and best tattoo removal technology, such as the PiQ04, which is a dual-pulse laser with a four-wavelength system to treat all colors.

    The right technology with both PICO and NANO pulse duration in the hands of an experienced laser tattoo removal technician will lead to fewer visits and minimize the chance of scarring. By contrast, the wrong technology, especially in the wrong hands, greatly increases the likelihood of scarring.

    How you treat your fading tattoo after each laser treatment also affects whether you will scar from the tattoo removal process. You should avoid picking at the tattoo and keep it out of the sun completely. Be sure to follow all the aftercare instructions from your provider.

    You may get blisters after laser tattoo removal treatments, and that is normal. Blisters do not lead to scar tissue.

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    Reducing The Chances Of Scarring

    Laser tattoo removal might not cause scarring in the first instance, but it can result in blisters and scabs, which is simply a sign that your body has started the healing process. As you are no doubt aware, picking at or peeling off scabs can increase the risk of scarring and infection, so try to avoid this.

    To minimise the chances of scarring, you can attempt to boost your bodys immune system, as this will help the process of pigment elimination and skin repair. After treatment, remember to drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, and if you smoke cigarettes, try to give up!

    Avoiding direct exposure to the sun can also help, as ultraviolet radiation harms your skin pigmentation, increasing the risk of scarring due to greater sensitivity.

    Andrea Catton

    Andrea has over over 40 years experience delivering beauty and skin care treatments and has over 20 years laser experience. Regarded as the number one PicoSure laser technician in the UK, Andrea is trained and qualified to use Aculight HR IPL, Chromolite IPL, N-Lite laser, Ellipse, Episoft MD IPL, ADL Sapphire Nd:YAG, RevLite & PicoSure. Andrea is also a member of the British Institute & Association of Electrolysis, British Medical Laser Association and is fully qualified to teach IPL & laser hair removal.

    There Might Be Some Pain During The Session

    But consider this warning from Cirlin first: Pain is completely individualized, and if you tell someone that something is going to hurt, they go into it with that expectation. That said, at my practice, we offer a topical numbing cream, which helps to take the edge off the procedure. Just know that even with a numbing cream, your experience may not be totally pain-free. We also use a piece of equipment called a chiller that uses cold air to help keep our clients comfortable, she says. It’s definitely worth asking for a consultation with your practitioner ahead of time if you’re worried about pain.

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    How Long Does A Laser Tattoo Removal Take

    Unlike getting a tattoo which is a tedious process that can take anywhere from a few minutes to multiple hours, laser tattoo removal treatments are relatively quick, depending on the size and colors of the tattoo. Generally, each session takes about 15 minutes on average and does not hinder daily activities, making it a convenient procedure to have done on your lunch break. If the tattoo is bigger in size, each treatment session will last longer. Laser tattoo removal is a gradual process, so multiple treatments are needed to achieve the final, desired result.

    Improper Aftercare Or Incorrect Protocols Pose A Risk

    Does laser tattoo removal leave a scar?

    While it is uncommon to cause scarring from the laser tattoo removal sessions themselves, it is still possible. For example, if you use excessive fluence when treating a tattoo and cause unwanted side effects , scarring may occur.

    Another risk for scarring, even if the treatment is performed properly, happens when patients fail to follow aftercare instructions. Blisters and scabs are common side effects that are important in the tattoo removal healing process. However, picking scabs or not caring properly for blisters can allow scarring to happen. When discussing aftercare with your patients, make sure to emphasize their role in the outcome of their tattoo removal.

    There are also some patients that may have a history of keloids and may be predisposed to scarring, which is why it’s important to take a detailed medical history of each patient.

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    Tip #4 Dressing Changes

    Change the dressing on the treated area of skin each time you wash it, using clean, fresh bandages or similar. This is to prevent you from getting to the scabs or blisters that may appear after your laser tattoo removal.

    Its incredibly important not to pick or pop these, as doing so can cause scar tissue to form.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Laser Tattoo Removal

    Common side effects immediately following laser tattoo removal treatment include redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, and scabbing. This natural healing process generally lasts about one week or less. The treated site is susceptible to infection therefore, following aftercare instructions is pertinent in the healing process and achieving the desired results. There may be temporary hypopigmentation in the treated area, which returns to the natural skin color over time. There is also a slight risk of hyperpigmentation or scarring after treatment, which can be seen with some blistering. Long-lasting discoloration of the skin following laser tattoo removal is generally very rare, but it occurs more commonly in darker skin. Although rare, there have been reports of paradoxical darkening of cosmetic tattoos, especially with pink, tan, or white-colored tattoos. This occurs when the laser causes the reduction of titanium dioxide or iron oxide, turning the pigment black.

    AlexTrivantage laser for tattoo removal, 8 treatments

    Recommended Reading: Can Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

    Is It Possible For Laser Tattoo Removal To Leave Scars

    While most people are usually certain before getting a tattoo, some might have second thoughts afterward and plan on getting it removed. In fact, according to a report published in the Allied Market Research, The global tattoo removal market size was valued at $478 million in 2019, and is projected to reach $795 million by 2027, registering a CAGR of 19.3% from 2020 to 2027.

    Among the many processes used for tattoo removal, the laser is among the most effective and promising ways to eliminate a tattoo. This article discusses various tattoo removal processes and how to minimize any scarring from the treatments.

    Exercise Effects In Fading The Tattoo

    Does Laser Tattoo Removal cause scars?

    Cardio or gyming is highly effective in fading your tattoo. Does tattoo removal leave a scar with gyming? Such exercises which trigger high blood circulation can help you fade the tattoo naturally. It increases more white blood cells in the body. As your skin broadens and stretches when you workout for a long time.

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    Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments Alextrivantage

    The most popular and safest laser is called the Q-switched laser, a gold standard in laser tattoo removal. The Q-switched laser is a high-intensity pulsed beam light that pushes the laser into the skin in short bursts of energy. When the laser is delivered on the skin, the pigment absorbs the energy of the laser which is then converted to heat. Chemical bonds in the pigment break down and small pigment particles are removed from the skin through blood vessels and the lymphatic system.

    The Candela Alex TriVantage® is a unique Q-switched laser/nd-YAG that is gentle and safe for all skin types, including darker skin and Asian skin. One of the advantages of this laser is that it can remove tattoos with different colors of ink without damaging the surrounding skin. Alex TriVantage removes tattoo ink safely and effectively, with minimal discomfort. Blue and green inks are known for their stubbornness during tattoo removal, but Alex TriVantage can break down even blues and greens. The Alex-TriVantage can be used for tattoo removal on all areas of the body, including the face, neck, arms, legs, and back. The same laser technology is also effective at removing pigmented lesions, brown spots, sun spots, and age spots from the face and body.

    The Ideal As Well As The Majority Of Budget Friendly Skin Treatment For Undesirable Tattoos

    Tattoo cover-ups are a prominent alternative for those that prefer to not completely remove their tattoo. This can be accomplished by using an additional layout in addition to the undesirable one, or just covering that section with some more color.

    One more method is to get your initial tattoos as well as turn them into something new completely! As an example, you may have an old faded blossom tattoo on your lower back but want it remade as a vivid peacock in honor of its current importance in pop culture thanks to Beyoncé’s song “Formation.” In these cases obtaining laser removal with surgery isn’t required due to the fact that there will not be any scarring from removing the ink if they’re going overtop anyhow.

    Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

    Tattoos are a method to reveal on your own, however sometimes what you desire does not match the tattoo you have. Fortunately there’s an very easy fix for that! A whitewash is one more tattoo which covers up or replaces your existing one.

    A flawlessly suited option if you’re at chances with your skin art and do not know exactly how else to remove it without going under the needle once again? Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scars

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    Will Laser Tattoo Removal Leave A Scar

    August 16, 2022

    If you are looking into getting rid of a tattoo, one obvious question youll have is will laser tattoo removal leave a scar?

    There are many false claims that tattoo removal leads to scarring. In fact it is very uncommon to get scarring from a tattoo removal treatment..if proper the process and aftercare is followed.

    Additionally, a few things note. Firstly, if you already have scarring in the area, then this will still remain after your tattoo removal. Secondly, getting the tattoo itself can lead scarring. As the skin tissues start to heal, scarring can develop from the skin producing collagen.

    What happens after a tattoo removal treatment?

    After a laser tattoo removal treatment, it is common for some people to get pinpoint bleeding. And bruising. However, if you follow the proper aftercare advice, then this should heal quick. And youll avoid being left with a scar.

    What if I get blisters?

    A lot of people get alarmed when they get blistering. However, blisters after a laser tattoo removal treatment, is a normal reaction. And it should not worry you. It is a positive sign. It means the healing process is going well. And the ink is being successfully eliminated from your body. And blisters usually heal within 2 weeks. In case of blister Do not puncture them, let them reabsorb or break on their own.

    Aftercare advice

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