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What To Use After Getting A Tattoo

Coconut Oil And Tattoo Aftercare

MISTAKES People Make After Getting A FRESH TATTOO

Polynesian people, such as Samoans, have long used coconut oil on their tattoos. They apply it after the tattoo is completed or when it heals. One supposed benefit is that it makes the design shine.

Some websites claim that coconut oil keeps the skin under your tattoo moist and protects against infection. Yet evidence is anecdotal, and theres no scientific proof that it works.

Check with your doctor before putting coconut oil or any other unproven products on your tattoo.

How Should You Take Care Of Tattooed Skin

Your tattoo artist will handle the immediate tattoo aftercare, applying a thin layer of antibiotic ointment and a tattoo wrap or dressing before you leave the shop, says Dr. Yadav. A tattoo wrap serves two functions: It will shield your skin both from bacteria that can cause infection as well as from irritation from clothing, bedding, or other possible irritants in your environment she explains. Youll likely be instructed to leave the tattoo wrap on for about 24 hours. This is when you may also notice swelling and redness, although this may depend on your skin tone, as well as itching, which Dr. Hibler says can be alleviated by placing ice packs over the bandaged tattoo.

Once the tattoo wrap comes off, keeping the area clean and moisturized is the name of the game, but you dont need to get fancy with any kind of special tattoo aftercare products. Heres how to help the healing process go smoothly.

Keeping the area clean is the most important thing you can do to stave off bacterial infection Dr. Hibler suggests washing the area with warm water once to twice per day for the first few days, then daily for about two to three weeks. Any type of mild cleanser is a good choice here, notes Dr. Yadav, who likes Cetaphil Gentle Daily Cleanser look for gentle or mild on the label. Dr. Love says an antibacterial soap, like Dial Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap , also works well.

How To Take Off A Bandage After Getting A Tattoo

Gently wash the tattoo After a few hours, you can remove the covering. First wash your hands with water and soap. Then gently wash the tattoo with warm water and fragrance-free soap. Pat your skin dry with a soft cloth. Apply a small amount of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer to the tattoo.

  • You can keep the covering off at this point to let your skin breathe
  • DID YOU KNOW? The Food and Drug Administration allows some fatty alcohols, such as cetearyl alcohol and cetyl alcohol, to be used in cosmetic products that are labeled alcohol-free
  • Unlike ethanol, fatty alcohols dont dry out the skin.

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    How Long To Keep A Tattoo Wrapped In Cling Film

    Youll need to keep your tattoo wrapped in cling film from one to three days. Depending on the size of your artwork this may be longer and your artist will let you know but a general rule of thumb is:

    • Small line-work pieces keep the cling film on for one to two days.
    • Palm-size pieces keep the cling film on for two to three days.
    • Larger artwork the tattoo artist will direct you on how long to keep your cling film in place on bigger tattoos.

    Tattoo Aftercare Instructions: Day By Day Tips

    Before and After Tattoo Removal

    From this chapter, you will learn what tattoo aftercare instructions you must follow from day one to day thirty so that you can take proper care of your tattoo.

    Day 1-3

    So, you got your first tattoo finally. When you take off your initial bandage , you must wash new tattoo with lukewarm water. It will help you loosen up the dried lymph and blood a bit. You can also take a shower but never soak yourself in your bathtub or jump into your pool. Never try to clean the tattooed area aggressively. Otherwise, your tattoo will lead to a scab, which may affect the healing process.

    Just use antibacterial soap to wash your tattoo skin. Afterward, use a paper towel to dry your tattoo. Then, apply a thin layer of either Vitamin A& D ointment, Aquaphor, or Bepathin. Never overcoat your tattoo with the ointment. A tiny amount is a key.

    You dont need to cover your tattoo with a bandage again. Make sure you wash your tattoo every couple of hours with a mild soap-free from germs.

    Then, dry the tattoo and apply a tiny amount of ointment. Ensure you clean your hands thoroughly before you wash your tattoo. Follow these tattoo aftercare tips for only three days.

    You may notice that some ink runs into the sink as you wash. This is just excess ink that has rubbed off on your skin.

    Day 4-6

    Day 6-14

    A few days after all these, your tattoo will not scab anymore. But it may peel like a sunburn. If this is the case for you, dont freak out. Its natural, and everything goes well.

    Day 15-30


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    Can You Over Moisturize A Tattoo

    What Are The Risks of Over Moisturizing a Tattoo? By applying thicker layers of lotion or ointment, several times a day , youre risking over-moisturizing a tattoo. By over-moisturizing a tattoo, you can cause the following problems

    • Due to excess moisture, the tattoo wont be able to dry and heal
    • Excess moisture can create a perfect environment for bacteria and germ growth
    • Over moisturizing can lead to tattoo inflammation and infection
    • Excess moisture can cause clogged pores since the moisturizer prevents the skin from breathing
    • Excess moisture can cause the tattooed skin to break out

    To avoid these issues, make sure to follow the moisturizing rules we mentioned before. However, make sure to not under moisturizing your tattoo as well. Some people are afraid they might over-moisturize their tattoo, so they leave it dehydrated, which results in heavy scabbing and tattoo dryness. So, make sure to stay in the middle and simply apply a thin layer of lotion/ointment twice a day.

    Helping Your Tattoo Heal

  • 1Wash and moisturize your tattoo daily until the scabs are gone. You should continue to wash your tattoo 2-3 times a day with antibacterial soap and lukewarm water until it’s fully healed. This can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the size and location of the tattoo.XResearch source
  • While moisturizing is important, be careful not to smother the tattoo in lotion or ointmentâa thin layer is all you need.
  • Continue using an unscented mild soap when washing.
  • 2Avoid scratching or picking at your tattoo. As it heals, your tattoo will start to scab over, which is normal. Let the scabs dry out and fall off by themselves, and don’t speed up the process by picking or scratching at the scabs. This can cause the scabs to fall off too soon, which can leave holes or light spots on the tattoo.XResearch source
  • Dry, scabbing or peeling skin can become very itchy, but scratching at your tattoo may also cause scabs to fall off.
  • Keep using moisturizing ointment to combat itchiness if it is a problem.
  • 3Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight. The harsh rays of the sun may cause your skin to blister and bleach some of the colors from your tattoo. For this reason, it is best to keep your tattoo covered and away from the sun for at least 3 to 4 weeks until the initial healing is complete.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Academy of DermatologyProfessional organization made of over 20,000 certified dermatologistsGo to source
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    Immediately After Getting A Tattoo

    Day 1 during the first day, your tattoo will be wrapped in plastic and a bandage by the tattoo artist. The tattoo needs to stay covered for several hours . After removing the covering, the skin will ooze with plasma and/or blood, and the skin will be red and feel irritated. After cleaning your hands, you should wash the tattoo with antibacterial, fragrance-free soap, and lukewarm water.

    Its important during this stage that you:

    • Dont scrub it with any pressure at all, just let water and soap wash over it,
    • Use lukewarm water, not too cold or too hot,
    • Dont place the tattoo directly under a stream of water. Use your hand to gently slosh soapy water over the tattoo to clean it.

    When you dry the tattoo, you just want to gently pat it at most. Its best to use kitchen paper towel, so it can be immediately disposed of.

    Wrapping the Tattoo

    Although you need to take the plastic off after a few hours to clean the tattoo, it makes sense to want to wrap it again afterward!

    Its always best to let your tattoo breathe in fresh clean air where possible, but if your tattoo is going to be exposed to sunlight or rub against fabric clothing, then wrapping it will protect it. Use a protective and breathable tattoo film.

    How To Shower With A New Tattoo

    How To Treat A New Tattoo: Healing Process/Aftercare DAY 1 & 2

    Even though you are washing your new tattoo separately and carefully, youll still need to wash the rest of your body! To do this, you can take a shower but you must follow these steps.

    • You dont typically need to cover the tattoo, but you should avoid directing the water spray directly onto the tattoo. If possible, keep the water pressure as low as possible!
    • Keep the water temperature low too. Lukewarm or cool water will be soothing on your tattoo. Furthermore, hot water and steam can open your pores, leading to more oozing and an infection.
    • Shower as quickly as possible! Dont linger and dont let your tattoo soak for ages. Therefore, you should be avoiding baths too.
    • Dont dry your tattoo with your body towel. Instead, use your regular towel for your body, then use paper towel on your tattoo. You can discard of the paper towel afterward to avoid spreading bacteria and infection around.

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    Excess Exposure To Water

    You can get your tattoo wet during the tattoo aftercare process, but make sure you dont soak in water of any type for at least three weeks or until the tattoo heals in full.

    Water entering the tattoo wound can interfere with the healing process itself or cause infection to the tattooed area. This would increase the time the tattoo needs for healing or necessitate the ink being fixed or treated and can punish the ink and tissue underneath.

    Swimming pools contain chemicals, and a lot of people use them. The substances carried by chlorinated water and the people who swim in them are not suitable for the wound and can lead to significant consequences.

    The risk of infection is also prevalent in natural water bodies both salt and fresh due to bacteria and other contaminants in the water. A person should refrain from entering them after having a fresh tattoo done for the same period as they would a chlorine-based swimming pool.

    This Info Should Guide You Through The Care Of Healing Your Tattoo But If You Have Any Other Questions While It Is Healing Do Not Hesitate To Contact Your Artist Directly Or Call The Shop For Immediate Reply There Are No Stupid Questions About Healing

    After your tattoo is completed, your artist will bandage your tattoo for your trip home. Leave the bandage on for one to three hours. When you take the bandage off, wash it with very warm water and mild liquid hand soap . Pat it dry gently with a paper towel, and let it air dry the rest of the way . Then you will apply a very small amount of Aquaphor Ointment or plain, unscented skin lotion to the tattoo, just enough to lightly moisturize. Do not slather a big, thick coat of product over it just enough for it to stay moist and flexible. If you are using Aquaphor, you can switch to a plain lotion after the first few days. Lotion is generally fine for everyone, your artist will recommend if you would benefit from ointment.

    During healing do NOT:

    • Wrap the tattoo after the first night

    • Submerge the tattoo in water. This means baths, pools and oceans. Regular showering is fine.

    • Expose it to strong sunlight

    • Shave over the tattoo

    If something doesn’t look perfect

    While we deal with the healing of tattoos often, we are not doctors, and can only give guidelines on tattoo care, not medical advice. If your tattoo develops any type of rash or discharge during healing, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

    Join our Email List for updates on artist availability, walk-in events at the shop, art exhibitions, conventions and more. Don’t worry, we don’t email often.

    Interior and portrait photography courtesy of Charlez Malasaña, all tattoo photography is property of the respective artists.

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    Important Dos And Donts

    • Clean towels, bedding and clothes are highly recommended during the healing process.
    • Showering is fine, however, please DO NOT soak your tattoo for at least 2 weeks. This means no swimming, baths or submerging your tattoo in water for long periods of time.
    • Avoid direct sunlight on your tattoo for at least 2 weeks and your tattoo is completely healed. After that, we advise putting on a sunblock on your tattoo whenever you find yourself in direct sunlight for the rest of your life. The sun will undoubtedly cause damage and compromise the longevity of your tattoo.
    • Wear loose clothing and avoid constricting accessories like bra straps and tight waistbands over a fresh tattoo. Avoid dirty, sweaty or itchy clothing as they can create healing problems.

    What Are The Tattoo Aftercare Donts

    Pin on Tattoo Care

    We realize that no one intentionally sets out to mistreat their new tattoo. Come on, youve waited for what seems like an eternity to get that ink now you have it, so whats next?

    Even people with the best intentions may accidentally mistreat their tattoo, sacrificing its integrity in the process.

    Here are some things you shouldn’t do when caring for your new ink:

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    How Do I Know If My Tattoo Is Completely Healed

    With proper care and handling, you can expect your tattoo to be fully healed by 4 weeks in most cases. Within the first week, you will notice that it is less vibrant, not as tender to the touch, and has slight scabbing. These are all good signs that your tattoo is healing correctly. By the end of week 2, all signs of swelling, redness, and irritation should be resolved. Keep in mind that you should still practice the proper cleaning/washing followed by cream until the entire 4 weeks are up. Even if your tattoo appears to be fully healed on the surface, you are still susceptible to infection in the early weeks, as looks can be deceiving.

    How To Care For Your New Tattoo

    Technically, a new tattoo is a wound, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Mount Sinai. In order to heal your skin, you must keep the area clean and moisturized in order to protect against infection.

    Here are the steps you should follow after walking out of the tattoo shop, according to Zeichner and Elliot Love, DO, board-certified dermatologist at the Dermatology Group of the Carolinas:

  • Your artist will cover the tattoo with a bandage and tell you how long it should stay on. Love personally recommends leaving the bandage on for 24 hours.
  • After removing the bandage, gently clean the area with antibacterial soap and water. Never scrub a new tattoo with a washcloth or any other abrasive material.
  • Next, moisturize the tattoo with a thick oil-based moisturizer such as Vaseline or Aquaphor. Love says this keeps the tattoo moist and prevents scabbing. Apply this moisturizer two or three times throughout the day.
  • Repeat steps two and three every day for the next week.

    After the first week, Zeichner says you can switch from your heavier moisturizer to a lighter fragrance-free moisturizer but you should still be applying it twice a day.

    “During the next several weeks, the tattoo itself may appear healed on the outside, but the deeper skin layers are continuing to repair themselves. Continue to moisturize on the outside, and take care not to traumatize the skin,” says Zeichner.

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    Can I Use Vaseline For Tattoo Aftercare

    We believe it is best to avoid products like Vaseline since they are made from 100% petroleum. This ingredient doesnt add much moisture, it just seals and clogs the skin. Furthermore, it can affect the tattoo itself and cause the ink to fade quickly.

    Some tattoo artists recommend you apply a thin layer of Vaseline before taking a shower, to create a barrier between the water and the tattooed area. Its almost like waterproofing the tattoo! Other tattoo aftercare products contain a very small amount of petroleum with other moisturizing ingredients, to lock that moisture in.

    We also recommend you talk to your doctor or dermatologist before using petroleum-based products on your skin.

    How To Care For A Tattoo Afterwards

    Professional Tattoo Aftercare Guide (Day-by-Day) | Sorry Mom

    Aftercare for Your Tattoo So, how can you make sure that new tattoo is something you dont end up regretting? Follow these steps while your new tattoo heals.

  • Be sure your artist covers your new tattoo in a thin layer of petroleum jelly and a bandage.
  • Remove the bandage after 24 hours. Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and be sure to pat dry.
  • Apply a layer of antibacterial/Vaseline ointment twice a day, but dont put on another bandage.
  • Gently wash your tattoo area twice a day with soap and water and gently pat dry before reapplying the antibacterial/Vaseline ointment.
  • Keep applying a moisturizer or ointment after you clean it to keep it moist.
  • You should repeat this process for 2 to 4 weeks. Also try not to wear clothes that will stick to your tattoo, and avoid swimming and the sun for about 2 weeks. And take cool showers. Scalding hot water will not only hurt, but it can also fade the ink. Wear a physical blocker sunscreen with at least 7% zinc oxide sunscreen during the daylight hours and/or cover it up .


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