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How To Take Care Of Your Tattoo

How To Protect Your Tattoo From The Sun

‘Keep It Clean! How to Take Care of Your Fresh Tattoo | Ask the Artist

Learning how to protect your tattoo from the sun is essential for proper recovery of a new tattoo. A fresh tattoo being exposed to the sun will make your skin get dry, and as explained in this article its essential to keep a fresh tattoo fueled with nutrients and properly moisturized! Besides, the UV rays coming out of the sun will further damage the freshly tattooed area of your skin. Its highly recommended to stay out of the sun for at least 1 week, but if you must be in the sun – One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun is by applying Tattoo Sunscreen. This will protect the skin from UV rays and will also help you to keep your skin moisturized.

Will It Hurt To Wash My New Tattoo

The sensation can range from uncomfortable to quite painful: The level of pain experienced depends on the size of the tattoo, where it is, your personal pain tolerance, and how heavy-handed your tattoo artist was.

I actually enjoy the first wash a lot. The cool water always feels soothing on my stinging flesh and it allows me a good first look at my new ink.

Be sure to use a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free soap.

Is The Aftercare Routine The Same For All Tattoos

Short answer no, the aftercare routine is NOT the same for all tattoos, and your tattoo artist should explain that thoroughly. The aftercare routine differs in regards to the tattoo style.

For example, simple black and white tattoos dont require as much aftercare as colored or portrait tattoos since theyre not too damaging to the skin.

Lets take at some other examples of how the aftercare routine differs from tattoo to tattoo

  • Line and dot style tattoos are usually covered with saran wrap since the skin doesnt need to be sealed for too long. But the wrap should stay on at least overnight the longer it stays on, the faster will the tattoo heal, and the brighter it will turn out.
  • Colored tattoos should only be washed with hands. So, avoid using anything abrasive to clean and wash the tattoo. Create some soap suds with your hand and gently wash the tattooed area. After youre done, pat the tattoo to dry, using a paper towel. This process could be applied to all types of tattoos since it is the best approach to aftercare.
  • Black or grey tattoos need to be washed by lathering the soap into the tattoo as well. They should also be moisturized twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. You should only apply a very thin layer of moisturizer to avoid skin suffocation and clogging.

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Only Touch The Tattoo With Clean Hands

One of the most essential pieces of advice you can get is to never touch your fresh tattoo without washing the hands first. Cleaning your hands will prevent all kinds of bacteria to transfer to the irritated and tattooed skin, which would otherwise cause infections and health issues. So, when you want to touch the tattoo or apply ointment on it, wash your hands for 20 seconds at least, using lukewarm water and soap.

Things To Avoid During The Tattoo Recovery Process

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  • Avoid touching the tattooed skin area

  • Avoid wearing clothing that may cause excessive rubbing to the area during the recovery process

  • Avoid exposure to the sun, especially in the first month after getting a new tattoo

  • Avoid submerging the area of your tattooed skin in water for at least 2 weeks

  • Avoid touching the area of your skin, even if it is itchy, applying Tattoo aftercare ointment can help alleviate itchiness

  • Avoid removing the plastic for the first few hours

A detailed description of your tattoo care is mentioned above. However, when it comes to the tattoo recovery process, the rate of a tattoo recovery can vary depending on the condition of the skin and the specific area of your body where you have inked yourself. Each skin has a different degree of sensitivity, which contributes to the recovery process of a fresh tattoo. It is important to note that the recovery process also varies from person to person, as a person’s skin condition and type can be very different from one another. So don’t compare your recovery process to one of your tattooed friends.

As you can see in the illustration, there are various body parts on which you can get inked. It is important to understand the process of tattooing after care and tattooing the specific body part in which you get tattooed.

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A Detailed Understanding Of The Tattoo Recovery Process

Now that you’ve been inked, you can’t wait to flaunt your new style. But, wait, your skin has encountered trauma and it’s important you give it the proper tattoo care day by day to recover. Learning the Tattoo Aftercare rules and understanding the healing process depends on the size of your tattoo and the intricate details of the tattoo design. Also, there is variation in recovery due to skin type, diet, hydration , and previous skin damage from the sun or skin damage. Every person is different, so your tattoo artist is the best person to consult with for your skin type. Generally speaking, a large tattoo will remain swollen and red for an extended period. Premium quality Tattoo aftercare ointment should be applied to ensure that your skin has the nutrients it needs to recover faster. Follow the tattoo aftercare directions in this guide to avoid tattooed skin infection, you need to hydrate the tattooed area with high-quality tattoo aftercare products and follow professional guidelines. Learninghow often to moisturize a tattoo is easy. The weather and temperature of where you’re located can also affect your tattooed skin.

When To Go To The Hospital

In most cases, the tattoo will heal easily without any major complications. However, you should go to the hospital if any of the following symptoms emerge:

  • Skin that becomes intensely red
  • Bleeding tattoo
  • Swelling in the tattoo area
  • Intense pain at the tattoo site

In addition, you should look out for other symptoms that could indicate an infection like fever over 38ºC or feeling tired. If these symptoms appear, you should see your doctor.

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Help Your Tattoo Heal With These Tips

Here are some tattoo tips you can follow to help your healing process along:

  • Plasma that oozes from your new tattoo is what causes wounds to scab. Gently pat away wet plasma to keep it from forming big scabs that could dry out and crack.

  • Use cold to lukewarm water to wash your tattoo. Water that is too hot can open up your pores and cause ink to leach out.

  • If your skin is extra sensitive and hurts to pat dry after washing, you can use a hair dryer on a cool setting to dry your tattoo instead.

  • Use old clean bed sheets that you dont care about the first few nights after getting your tattoo. Your new tattoo will probably leak blood and ink, and stain your sheets.

  • Make sure your tattoo is completely dry before you apply ointment. If not, it could trap moisture between your skin and the ointment, causing scabs to swell or become gooey.

  • If your tattoo is really itchy, you can apply a cold compress. Itll take away the itchiness immediately, without having to scratch. This should only be done after your skins top layer has completely healed.

  • Drink LOTS of water. Your tattoo only looks as good as your skin. The more you hydrate, the better, and more vivid your tattoo will look.

  • Do NOT listen to the advice of friends or family. A lot of people might say they know ways to quicken your tattoos healing process, but always stick to your artists instructions.

What Kind Of Ointment Should I Use

New Tattoo: How To Take Care of Your Tattoo

This is somewhat of a hot-button issue for tattoo artists and collectors alike. Some people swear by using a medicated ointment like polysporin to speed up the healing process, while others stick with good old fashioned Vaseline. Still others insist that vitamin E oil or cream is the best option, and most recently people have discovered that non-scented, hydrating creams may work best.

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What Is A Stroke

Stroke is a condition in which blood vessels in the brain are damaged. Strokes are characterized by a number of factors, including the size of the damaged blood vessel, where in the brain blood vessels have been damaged, and what event actually caused the damage.

The main types of stroke are ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and transient ischemic attack .

Keep An Eye Out For Possible Infections

Aside from proper aftercare, one of the best things you can do to avoid infection is to make sure you get your tattoo at a clean, reputable parlor where you can verify everything theyre using is sterilized. But even if you do, its a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs of a possible infection, just in case. Hongdam says your skin may temporarily swell and feel itchy as the tattoo is healing , though if any such symptoms look or feel concerning to you, it cant hurt to visit a dermatologist.

Dr. Marchbein says typical signs of an infection typically include redness, swelling, pain , pus or drainage, and fevers or chills. And some people can develop lumps or bumps at the site of the tattoo as a reaction to the color/pigment in the tattoo , she says. There have also been outbreaks atypical mycobacterium, a potentially aggressive bacterial infection, following tattooing. This presents are large lumps or bumps within the tattoo, skin breakdown, fevers, chills, and redness, among other symptoms. This can be seen immediately or delayed for months and warrants aggressive medical care to prevent its spread and further complications. If you experience any of these symptoms or think you might have an infection of any type, call your doctor immediately to determine the best course of action .

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Talk To The Tattoo Artist About Your Allergies

Before you even get the tattoo, make sure youre setting yourself up by success. Most of the time, there arent that many reactions for people who get tattoos, Evan Kim, tells Teen Vogue. However, some of the common skin irritations usually have to do with latex if youre allergic to latex, definitely let your artist know! And mention other allergies, too: Evan says allergies to certain metals, which are in tattoo inks, can cause reactions. Red is the one color that we see a lot of people getting reactions to, he says. You might just have to … refrain from using the red ink.

No : Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize

Take care

Again, whats good for the rest of your skin is particularly good for a tattoo. Dry skin can make a tattoo look blurred or faded. Keeping your skin moisturized is your best bet for a fresh look.

While you can buy lotions that are marketed as tattoo lotions, you dont need to spend the extra money. Avoid lotions with additives and fragrances, which can dry out your skin.

The important thing is to buy a moisturizer that is right for your age and skin type, Dr. Bhatt says. Read the ingredient label closely, so you know that youre getting something that wont irritate your skin. Whatever type of moisturizer you would normally use on your skin should work well just remember to apply it every day.

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Tattoo Aftercare Myths And Facts

Some common myths and facts about new tattoo aftercare are:

  • Common soap is good for you NO! Make sure to use a tattoo aftercare soap and avoid bar soaps.
  • Avoid chemical products, and avoid using Neosporin and Vaseline! Make sure you’re using proper tattoo aftercare products that are specifically designed to give your tattoo the moisture and nutrients needed to help your tattoo recover!
  • “I can stop doing tattoo aftercare once my tattoo is healed” FALSE! If you’d like your tattoo to stay vibrant for years to come, take care of it! Use a tattoo aftercare cream to keep the colors bright and keep it moisturized. If you have a good tattoo aftercare regimen, your tattoo will stay healthy and vibrant for years to come.

How To Fix A Bubbling Tattoo

Tattoo bubbling is a very common issue that is being faced by people. One of the main reasons for bubbling your tattoo is over-saturation. This is the reason why you need to make sure that you avoid exposure to water for the first six months to get your tattoo safe. By following the instructions properly the tattoo aftercare can be properly done which will keep away from the bubbling of your tattoo. However, if these Tattoo Aftercare Productsare used then you will be able to keep away from the bubbling effect. It is also necessary to keep an eye on the tattoo. Though bubbling doesn’t necessarily mean infection if any irritation or swelling persists then it is suggested to consult a doctor. Heres a guide on How To Fix a Bubbling Tattoo.

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Ongoing Tattoo Care: Common Sense

A tattoo is a lifetime commitment that requires some upkeep and attention on your part. If you survived the healing-and-peeling process of the first few weeks, taking ongoing care should be no big deal. Most of it is common sense. If you know how to take of your skin, then you should know how to take care of your tattoo. And yet common sense always bears repeating, so here it goes:

  • Avoid the sun: I’m not saying become a vampire, but sun and tattoos don’t mix. Exposure fades the colors and blurs the lines. Besides, how will people be able to see your awesome ink if it’s competing with your ridiculous tan?
  • Moisturize: Tattoos are your skin. If you want nice skin, drink lots of water. Dehydrated = scaly and withered. Hydrated = radiant and awesome.
  • Protect Your Skin: Depending on the location of your tattoo, you’ll need to know how to protect it from damage. Whether that means wearing shoes that don’t rub against your foot tattoo or breaking out the sunscreen to cover that half sleeve, make choices that protect your investment. When you have to choose between showing off your ink or potentially damaging it, you know what to do.
  • GetTouch-Ups: If you have a color tattoo, after time, the color will fade. So don’t be afraid to shell out a few bucks to get those colors rejuvenated and breathe new life into your tattoo.
  • Can I Use Vaseline For Tattoo Aftercare

    How to Take Care of Your New Tattoo

    We believe it is best to avoid products like Vaseline since they are made from 100% petroleum. This ingredient can cause clogging and prevent the skin from breathing.

    Furthermore, it can affect the tattoo itself and cause the ink to fade quickly. However, some tattoo artists recommend you apply a thin layer of Vaseline before taking a shower, to create a barrier between the water and the tattooed area.

    Some even recommend you use Vaseline for the skin around the tattoo in case it becomes dry and flaky. But, what we recommend is you talk to your doctor or dermatologist before you use petroleum-based products on your skin.

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    Protect Your Ink With Ample Spf

    The sun can also wreak havoc on a fresh tattoo. Over the first six weeks, try to keep your new tattoo out of the sun. If covering it up isn’t possible, make sure to at least apply ample sunscreen. Because your tattoo is really a fresh wound, your skin is so much more vulnerable to damage that this point. If you end up getting a blistering sunburn, it can cause fading, not to mention pain.

    How Often Should I Clean My Tattoo What Kind Of Soap Should I Use

    The tattoo should be thoroughly cleaned immediately after removing the bandage, and cleaned daily from there on out. We recommend cleaning it multiple times on the first day. Pat the tattoo dry with a lint-free cloth or paper towel to avoid irritation, and let the tattoo air out for 20-30 minutes before applying moisturizer. We recommend using a gentle, liquid antibacterial soap, such as Dial Antibacterial Soap, though other hand or body soaps can be used as long as they are thoroughly rinsed from the tattoo. You want to avoid excess absorption of water by the tattoo, so washings should be efficient and deliberate to minimize time. You can use antibacterial soap for the first 3-5 days and then regular soap or body wash is fine.

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    How To Care For Your New Tattoo

    Technically, a new tattoo is a wound, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Mount Sinai. In order to heal your skin, you must keep the area clean and moisturized in order to protect against infection.

    Here are the steps you should follow after walking out of the tattoo shop, according to Zeichner and Elliot Love, DO, board-certified dermatologist at the Dermatology Group of the Carolinas:

  • Your artist will cover the tattoo with a bandage and tell you how long it should stay on. Love personally recommends leaving the bandage on for 24 hours.
  • After removing the bandage, gently clean the area with antibacterial soap and water. Never scrub a new tattoo with a washcloth or any other abrasive material.
  • Next, moisturize the tattoo with a thick oil-based moisturizer such as Vaseline or Aquaphor. Love says this keeps the tattoo moist and prevents scabbing. Apply this moisturizer two or three times throughout the day.
  • Repeat steps two and three every day for the next week.

    After the first week, Zeichner says you can switch from your heavier moisturizer to a lighter fragrance-free moisturizer but you should still be applying it twice a day.

    “During the next several weeks, the tattoo itself may appear healed on the outside, but the deeper skin layers are continuing to repair themselves. Continue to moisturize on the outside, and take care not to traumatize the skin,” says Zeichner.

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